


单实例扩容为多实例报/tmp/license.log 权限错误
单实例扩容为多实例报错/tmp/license.log 权限不足
扩容前原集群使用root 用户安装,扩容时需要使用DBA(gbase)用户执行
gcinstall.py,所以需要将/tmp/license.log 文件权限给予gbase 用户写权限。
chmod 666 /tmp/license.log

171 -

检查 GBASEDBT.INI 文件。在[INET_CONNECTION]部分中指定的协议名称应该与
[INET_PROTOCOL]节中指定的协议名称相匹配。协议名称必须为该协议定义正确的 .DLL
模块。如果使用的是 IPX/SPX 协议,则 IPX=INETIPX.DLL,如果使用的是Windows
Sockets 1.1-compliant TCP/IP 协议, 则 tcpip=INETWSOK.DLL.。

-41007 Error in loading GBase 8s NET for Windows library.

Check your path. If you are using a Windows Sockets 1.1-compliant
TCP/IP protocol, the INETWSOK.DLL module must be in your path. If you
are using the IPX/SPX protocol, the INETIPX.DLL module must be in your
path. These modules must be in your path. In addition, you might not
have enough memory to load the correct DLL module.
检查你的路径。如果使用 Windows Sockets 1.1-compliant TCP/IP 协议,则必须在您的
路径中使用 INETWSOK.DLL 模块。如果使用的是 IPX/SPX 协议,则 INETIPX.DLL 模块必
确的 DLL 模块。

-41008 Number of protocols exceeds the number of protocols that are supported
in this version.

You must use only one protocol at a time to communicate with your
remote database server.

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-41009 Error in closing connection.

An error occurred when the connection was closed. No corrective action
is provided.

-41020 Connection error.

Too many applications are active under Windows. Close some of your
applications and try again.
Windows 下有太多的应用程序处于活动状态。关闭一些应用程序,然后再试一次。

-41021 Connection Busy.

You are currently making a database server request. You cannot make
another argument until the current request is finished.

-42306 Could not set lock mode to wait.

The utility that you were running could not access the contents of a

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table because it could not wait for a table lock. Wait a while and
retry running dbschema or dbexport.
dbschema 或 dbexport。

-43000 ON-Bar backup usage.

The backup command was entered incorrectly. For details, see the Backup
and Restore Guide.

Revise the command and try again.

-43001 ON-Bar restore usage.

The restore command was entered incorrectly. For details, see the Backup
and Restore Guide.
restore 命令输入错误。有关详细信息,请参阅备份和还原指南。

Revise the command and try again.

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-43002 ON-Bar session usage.

The session command was entered incorrectly. For details, see the Backup
and Restore Guide.
session 命令输入错误。有关详细信息,请参阅备份和还原指南。

Revise the command and try again.

-43003 onbar_w usage.

The onbar_w command was entered incorrectly. For details, see the Backup
and Restore Guide.
onbar_w 命令输入错误。有关详细信息,请参阅备份和还原指南。

Revise the command and try again.

-43004 The connection-address is determined by the XCC package.

A command was entered incorrectly. This message might indicate an
error in ON-Bar, as this process should be started only by an onbar
command-line process and rarely by hand.
输入的命令不正确。此消息可能表示 ON-Bar 中的错误,因为此进程只应由 onbar 命令

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To start onbar_m by hand, use the ON-Bar activity log of the
command-line process (BAR_ACT_LOG or /tmp/bar_act.log) to determine
the correct value and try again. If this message was issued
automatically, contact GBase Technical Support.
若要手动启动 onbar_m,请使用命令行进程(BAR_ACT_LOG 或/tmp/bar_act.log)的 ON-
Bar 活动日志来确定正确的值,然后再试一次。如果此消息是自动发出的,请与 GBase

-43005 The syntax will not be supported in future
releases - use .

The command-line syntax for ON-Bar backup has changed. The current action
will complete as requested.
ON-Bar 备份的命令行语法已更改。目前的行动将按要求完成。

In the future, use the new ON-Bar syntax. To use this new syntax, you might
have to change scripts you have written.
在未来,使用新的 ON-Bar 语法。要使用这种新语法,您可能必须更改您编写的脚本。

-43006 onsmsync usage.

The onsmsync command was entered incorrectly. For details, see

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the Backup and Restore Guide.
onsmsync 命令输入错误。有关详细信息,请参阅备份和还原指南。

Revise the command and try again.

-43010 Bad option usage: -f option requires a filename.

The user entered the -f option and did not specify a filename. ON-Bar does
not know which storage spaces to use in this command, so it cannot continue.
用户输入了 -f 选项,没有指定文件名。ON-Bar 不知道在此命令中使用哪些存储空间,

Specify the name of a file that contains the list of storage spaces ON-Bar
should act upon, after the -f option, and rerun the command.
在 -f 选项之后指定包含 ON-Bar 存储空间列表的文件名,并重新运行命令。

-43011 The -f command is ignored for whole system backup/restore and
fake backup.

The user entered the command options -w -f or -F -f .
Because whole-system backup, whole-system restore, and fake backup affect all
spaces, the backup and restore will continue and the -f option
will be ignored.

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用户输入命令选项 -w -f 或者 -F -f 。因为全系
统备份、全系统还原和假备份会影响所有空间,所以备份和还原将继续进行,而 -f

-43012 Setting backup level to 0 for this command.

Only level-0 backup is supported for a fake backup or external backup.
对于假备份或外部备份,只支持 0 级备份。

No action is required.

-43013 Unable to read backup level, defaulting to level .

The backup level entered on the command line is not valid. A level-0 backup
is automatically performed instead.
在命令行中输入的备份级别无效。将自动执行 0 级备份。

-43014 Unable to read logical log ID.

The logical log ID entered on the command line is not valid.
在命令行中输入的逻辑日志 ID 无效。

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Verify that the logical log ID is correct and retry the command.
验证逻辑日志 ID 是否正确,然后重试命令。

-43015 Restore cannot be restarted. No unfinished restartable restore

The restore cannot be restarted because no restore file exists in the
$GBS_HOME/etc or %GBS_HOME%\etc directory. This means that no previous
restore exists or that the restore succeeded.
无法重新启动还原,因为 $GBS_HOME/etc 或 %GBS_HOME%\etc 目录中不存在还原

Use 'onbar -r' for a first-time restore.

-43016 Invalid Point In Time value specified: .

Contact GBase Technical Support.
与 GBase 技术支持部门联系。

-43017 A Point in Log restore is permitted only during a Full restore.

You cannot do a point-in-log restore when the database server is online.

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Do a cold restore.

-43018 A point-in-time restore is permitted only during a full restore.

You cannot do a point-in-time restore unless all spaces are restored.
除非恢复所有空间,否则不能执行 point-in-time 恢复。

Do not specify any spaces on the command line.

-43019 Invalid serial number. Consult your installation

An error occurred during the installation of ON-Bar.
安装 ON-Bar 时发生错误。

Ask your database server administrator to reinstall ON-Bar.
请数据库服务器管理员重新安装 ON-Bar。

-43020 Storage space names ignored for fake backup, whole system

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backup/restore, log restore, or log salvage.

A fake backup or whole-system restore backs up and restores all storage
spaces. Storage spaces are not included in the log restore or log salvage.

-43021 Expiration specification is invalid for the

The value given to the named command-line option is inappropriate for
that option. Either the format is incorrect or the option is missing.

Compare the value of the option to the usage statement, revise the command,
and try again.

-43022 Cannot expire all versions of all objects. Must give -g option
a value > 0.

The onsmsync command will not remove all backup objects, which is the meaning
of -g 0.
onsmsync 命令不会删除所有备份对象,这是 -g 0 的意思。

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Try onsmsync again with a positive integer argument to -g.
再次尝试 onsmsync 使用正整数参数到 -g。

-43023 Bad option usage: -n option requires a log number.

The user entered the -n option and did not specify a log number. ON-Bar does
not know which log to restore to in this command, so it cannot continue.
用户输入了 -n 选项,没有指定日志编号。ON-Bar 不知道在此命令中还原到哪个日志,

Specify the log number, after the -n option, and rerun the command.
在 -n 选项之后指定日志编号,然后重新运行命令。

-43024 Chunk rename failed.

An error occurred while mapping old chunk location to new chunk location.
将旧 chunk 位置映射到新 chunk 位置时发生错误。

Check the rename options of your command line and the mapping, then retry.
If the error persists, refer to the database server message log for more
information. If the cause of the error is still unclear, contact
GBase Technical Support.

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息日志以获得更多信息。如果错误的原因尚不清楚,请与 GBase 技术支持部门联系。

-43025 Chunk rename failed.

An error occurred while mapping old chunk location to new chunk location.
将旧 chunk 位置映射到新 chunk 位置时出错。

Refer to the database server message log for more information.
Check the rename options of your command line and retry the command.
If the error persists and the cause of the error is still unclear,
contact GBase Technical Support.
令。如果错误仍然存在,并且错误原因仍不清楚,请与 GBase 技术支持部门联系。

-43035 You must be user root or gbasedbt to run ON-Bar.

Only users root and gbasedbt or members of the bargroup group are
allowed to execute ON-Bar.
只允许 root 用户和 gbasedbt 用户或 bargroup 组的成员执行 ON-Bar 。

Log in as user root or gbasedbt, or have your system administrator
add your login name to the bargroup group before you attempt the backup
or restore.
以 root 用户或 gbasedbt 用户身份登录,或者让系统管理员在尝试备份或还原之前将登

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录名添加到 bargroup 组。

-43036 You must be a member of gbasedbt-admin group to run ON-Bar.

Only users listed in the gbasedbt-admin group are allowed to execute ON-Bar.
只允许在 Gbasedbt-admin 组中列出的用户执行 ON-Bar。

Ask your Database System Administrator to add your username to the
gbasedbt-admin Group.
请数据库系统管理员将您的用户名添加到 Gbasedbt-admin 组。

-43037 You must be user gbasedbt to run ON-Bar.

Only users are allowed to execute ON-Bar.
只允许 Gbasedbt 用户执行 ON-Bar。

Log in as user gbasedbt before attempting the backup or restore.
在尝试备份或还原之前作为 Gbasedbt 用户登录。

-43038 The ON-Bar log file cannot be a symbolic link.

The ON-Bar log file that ON-Bar is attempting to open is a
symbolic link. For security reasons, this is not permissible.

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ON-Bar 试图打开的 ON-Bar 日志文件是一个符号链接。出于安全原因,这是不允许的。

Remove the symbolic link or change the onconfig file so that the
ON-Bar parameters BAR_DEBUG_LOG and/or BAR_ACT_LOG in your ONCONFIG file
point to non-symbolic linked files.
删除符号链接或更改 onconfig 文件,以便 ONCONFIG 文件中的 ON-Bar 参数
BAR_DEBUG_LOG 和/或 BAR_ACT_LOG 指向非符号链接文件。

-43039 The ON-Bar log file must be owned by user gbasedbt.

The log file that ON-Bar is attempting to open is owned by a user
other than user gbasedbt.
ON-Bar 试图打开的日志文件由 Gbasedbt 用户以外的用户拥有。

Change the ownership of the log file to user gbasedbt, or change
the BAR_ACT_LOG and/or BAR_DEBUG_LOG values in the ONCONFIG
file to point to different log files.
将日志文件的所有权更改为 Gbasedbt 用户,或将 ONCONFIG 文件中的 BAR_ACT_LOG
和/或 BAR_DEBUG_LOG 值更改为指向不同的日志文件。

-43040 Supplied point in time later than latest log - using latest
logfile .

The point in time specified on the command line is later than the last

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logged transaction. The time of the latest logged transaction will be used

-43041 There were partial logfiles - timestamp 0x pit

This is an ON-Bar progress message.
这是一个 ON-Bar 进度信息。

-43042 All logfiles complete - timestamp 0x pit 0x.

This is an ON-Bar progress message.
这是一个 ON-Bar 进度信息。

-43043 All logfiles complete - timestamp 0x rolling forward.

This is an ON-Bar progress message.
这是一个 ON-Bar 进度信息。

-43044 Consistent global timestamp not found - recovery is not

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ON-Bar was unable to find the correct log to restore in the emergency
boot file.
ON-Bar 无法在紧急启动文件中找到要还原的正确日志。

Verify that all log files have been either backed up or salvaged and
that each has an entry in the emergency boot file. If everything appears
to be correct, contact GBase Technical Support.
目。如果一切看起来都是正确的,请与 GBase 技术支持部门联系。

-43045 There are no storage space backups before the specified
point in time - recovery is not possible.

The specified point-in-time value is earlier than the earliest backup
entry in the emergency boot file.

Verify that the point-in-time value entered on the command line is
correct. If it is, the emergency boot file might have been corrupted
or is missing and needs to be restored.

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-43046 boot_find_first_logs failed .

ON-Bar failed to find the correct log files to restore in the
emergency boot file. This could happen if your system has run out of
memory or if the emergency boot file is missing or corrupted.
在紧急启动文件中 ON-Bar 找不到要还原的正确日志文件。如果系统内存不足,或者紧急

Verify that there is sufficient memory in your system to complete a
restore. If there is, the emergency boot file might need to be restored.

-43047 Send bootfile....

This is an ON-Bar progress message.
这是一个 ON-Bar 进度信息。

-43048 Error received from node "".

On-Bar attempted to communicate with and failed.
On-Bar 试图与 通信,但失败。

Verify that all coservers on all nodes are running properly. Try the
restore again. If it still fails, contact GBase Technical Support.

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GBase 技术支持部门联系。

-43049 Error writing to the ON-Bar emergency boot file. Before
attempting a restore, insert the following into :

An error occurred when ON-Bar attempted to write information to the
ON-Bar emergency boot file. The backup of this object succeeded;
however, the object will not be included in a cold restore unless the
specified information is added to the emergency boot file.
当 ON-Bar 试图将信息写入开机启动文件时发生错误。此对象的备份成功;但是,除非将

To include the object in a cold restore, ask your database server
administrator to insert the specified data into the ON-Bar emergency
boot file or try running onsmsync -b. (The emergency boot file is
$GBS_HOME/etc/Bixbar_. for GBase 8s Extended
Parallel Server, $GBS_HOME/etc/ixbar. for GBase 8s
Dynamic Server on UNIX, or %GBS_HOME%\etc\ixbar.
for Dynamic Server 9.2 or later on Windows.)
若要将对象包含在冷还原中,请要求数据库服务器管理员将指定的数据插入 ON-Bar 紧急
启动文件中,或尝试运行 onsmsync -b。( GBase 8s Extended Parallel Server 的紧
急引导文件为 $GBS_HOME/etc/Bixbar_. UNIX
上 GBase 8s 的紧急引导文件为

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$GBS_HOME/etc/ixbar. 或者 Windows 上 Dynamic Server 9.2
或更新的版本的紧急引导文件为 %GBS_HOME%\etc\ixbar.

-43050 Copy of old emergency bootfile saved in .

Before regenerating the emergency boot file, onsmsync makes a copy of the
previous version. In case of catastrophic failure, this message tells you
the name of this copy so you can put it back in place before running
onsmsync again or starting a cold restore.
在重新生成紧急引导文件之前,onsmsync 会复制上一个版本。如果发生灾难性故障,此
消息将告诉您此副本的名称,以便您可以在再次运行 onsmsync 或启动冷还原之前将其放

You cannot take any corrective action unless onsmsync fails. If onsmsync
fails to finish writing the new boot file, copy the named file back to the
original location.
除非 onsmsync 失败,否则不能采取任何纠正措施。如果 onsmsync 未能完成新启动文件

-43051 Copy of old emergency bootfile failed.

Before regenerating the emergency boot file, onsmsync makes a copy of the
previous version. If this copying process fails, then this message is
produced. An operating-system error should be written in the activity log.

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在重新生成紧急引导文件之前,onsmsync 会复制上一个版本。如果此复制过程失败,则

Try to correct the operating-system error. ON-Bar will continue to regenerate
the new emergency boot file.
尝试纠正操作系统错误。ON-Bar 将继续重新生成新的紧急启动文件。

-43052 Error parsing the emergency bootfile .

ON-Bar and onsmsync read information about backups from the emergency
boot file for various reasons. The emergency boot file might be corrupt.
ON-Bar 和 onsmsync 出于各种原因从紧急引导文件中读取有关备份的信息。紧急启动文

ON-Bar and onsmsync will ignore corrupted backup entries while parsing
the emergency boot file. Contact GBase Technical Support.
在解析紧急引导文件时,ON-Bar 和 onsmsync 将忽略损坏的备份条目。与 GBase 技术支

-43060 The buffer exceeded maximum allowed limit. Changing
buffer size to .

Transport buffer size is limited by the X/Open Backup Services API
specification. ON-Bar is changing the buffer size to the maximum allowed

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传输缓冲区大小受到 X/Open Backup Services API 规范的限制。ON-Bar 正在将缓冲区

-43061 BAR_MAX_BACKUP has been reduced to to avoid
allocating more than SHMTOTAL KB.

The value of BAR_MAX_BACKUP multiplied by BAR_XFER_BUF_SIZE and
BAR_NB_XPORT_COUNT will exceed the amount of shared memory reserved by the
SHMTOTAL parameter in the ONCONFIG file. This ON-Bar process will use a
lower BAR_MAX_BACKUP value to avoid exceeding this boundary.
ONCONFIG 文件中 SHMTOTAL 参数所保留的共享内存量。此 ON-Bar 进程将使用较低的
BAR_MAX_BACKUP 值,以避免超出此边界。

Either raise the amount of shared memory the database server is allowed to
use by increasing SHMTOTAL or lower the value of BAR_MAX_BACKUP,
要么通过增加 SHMTOTAL 来提高数据库服务器允许使用的共享内存量,要么降低

-43062 Unable to read parameters from $GBS_DATA/conf/onconfig
(UNIX) or %GBS_HOME%\etc\%ONCONFIG% (Windows).

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The ONCONFIG file is inaccessible. It might be missing or have incorrect
permission values, or the file contents might be corrupted.
无法访问 ONCONFIG 文件。它可能丢失或具有不正确的权限值,或者文件内容可能已损

Verify that an ONCONFIG file exists and that the permissions for it are
correct. For details, see the Administrator's Reference.
验证是否存在 ONCONFIG 文件,以及该文件的权限是否正确。有关详细信息,请参阅管理

-43075 Unable to open file .

The file or its directory permissions prevent it from being created or opened.

Verify the permissions on the file and its directory.

-43076 Error while reading data from the file

An error occurred while data was read from the file. The file might be

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-43077 Unable to create . There may not be enough space.

Not enough disk space is available for chunk creation.
没有足够的磁盘空间用于 chunk 创建。

Free some disk space or create a file for this chunk.
请为该 chunk 释放一些磁盘空间或创建一个文件。

-43078 Open or close failed on file , errno = .

An operating-system error prevents the file from being created or

Correct the error and retry your command.

-43079 Unable to open file .

The file or its directory permissions prevent it from being created
or opened.

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Verify the permissions on the file and its directory.

-43080 Process received signal .
Process will exit after cleanup.

An ON-Bar process received a signal. Someone might have intentionally
terminated the ON-Bar process with signal 2 (SIGINT), 3 (SIGQUIT), 9
(SIGKILL), or 15 (SIGTERM). ON-Bar is attempting to exit gracefully.
ON-Bar 进程收到信号。有人可能故意用信号2(SIGINT)、3(SIGQUIT)、9(SIGKILL)或 15
(SIGTERM)终止 ON-Bar 进程。ON-Bar 正试图优雅地退出。

If the signal that terminated the ON-Bar process is not one of the
signals listed above, contact GBase Technical Support.
如果终止 ON-Bar 进程的信号不是上面列出的信号之一,请与 GBase 技术支持部门联

-43081 Closing unused end of pipe failed.


This error is internal. Retry the operation and if it continues to fail,

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contact GBase Support.
此错误为内部错误。重试操作,如果操作继续失败,请与 GBase 支持部门联系。

-43082 Writing to the backup and restore filter failed with error .

Writing data to the backup and restore filter pipe failed with the given error.

Check the log of the filter program for possible errors.
If the cause of the error is still unclear, contact
technical support for your filter or GBase Support.
GBase 技术支持部门联系。

-43090 Out of memory.

ON-Bar was unable to allocate more memory.
ON-Bar 无法分配更多内存。

Reduce the number of processes that are running at the same time as ON-Bar,
if possible, or ask your system administrator either to increase your swap
space or to install more memory in your system.

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-43091 Unable to attach to shared memory.

Unable to initialize a shared-memory connection to the database server.

Either the database shared memory has not been initialized or the maximum
number of users are already using the system.

-43092 Unable to set process group id.

If you are doing a parallel backup or restore, ON-Bar tries to use
setpgid() to group together all the processes. This error occurs if
setpgid() fails.
如果您正在进行并行备份或还原,ON-Bar 尝试使用 setpgid() 将所有进程分组。如果
setpgid() 失败,则会发生此错误。

Retry the backup or restore. If it fails again, contact GBase Technical
重试备份或还原。如果再次失败,请与 GBase 技术支持部门联系。

-43100 No Storage Manager instances were defined in ONCONFIG.

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The list of available storage-manager instances has not been defined in the
ONCONFIG file. Backup and restore operations will be queued until a storage
manager is defined.
在 ONCONFIG 文件中没有定义可用存储管理器实例的列表。备份和恢复操作将排队,直到

Define storage-manager instances in your ONCONFIG file.
请在 ONCONFIG 文件中定义存储管理器实例。

-43101 Unable to create a session: .

An error occurred in the database server.

Refer to the database server message log for more information. If the
cause of the error is still unclear, contact GBase Technical Support.
有关详细信息,请参阅数据库服务器消息日志。如果错误的原因尚不清楚,请与 GBase

-43102 Unable to destroy a session: .

An error occurred in the database server.

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Refer to the database server message log for more information. If the
cause of the error is still unclear, contact GBase Technical Support.
有关详细信息,请参阅数据库服务器消息日志。如果错误的原因尚不清楚,请与 GBase

-43103 Session complete.

The specified backup and restore session has completed.

-43104 Session complete with error .

The specified backup and restore session has completed with an error.

-43105 Unable to register a new worker process: .

An error occurred in the database server.

Refer to the database server message log for more information. If the
cause of the error is still unclear, contact GBase Technical Support.

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有关详细信息,请参阅数据库服务器消息日志。如果错误的原因尚不清楚,请与 GBase

-43106 Unable to deregister a new worker process: .

An error occurred in the database server.

Refer to the database server message log for more information. If the
cause of the error is still unclear, contact GBase Technical Support.
有关详细信息,请参阅数据库服务器消息日志。如果错误的原因尚不清楚,请与 GBase

-43107 Unable to get the next event: .

An error occurred in the database server.

Refer to the database server message log for more information. If the
cause of the error is still unclear, contact GBase Technical Support.
有关详细信息,请参阅数据库服务器消息日志。如果错误的原因尚不清楚,请与 GBase

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-43108 Received an invalid event from the database server:

An error occurred in the database server.

Refer to the database server message log for more information. If the
cause of the error is still unclear, contact GBase Technical Support.
有关详细信息,请参阅数据库服务器消息日志。如果错误的原因尚不清楚,请与 GBase

-43109 Unable to create the logstream backup session: .

An error occurred in the database server.

Refer to the database server message log for more information. If the
cause of the error is still unclear, contact GBase Technical Support.
有关详细信息,请参阅数据库服务器消息日志。如果错误的原因尚不清楚,请与 GBase

-43110 Unable to start the logical log backup: .

An error occurred in the database server.

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Refer to the database server message log for more information. If the
cause of the error is still unclear, contact GBase Technical Support.
有关详细信息,请参阅数据库服务器消息日志。如果错误的原因尚不清楚,请与 GBase

-43111 Unable to get logical log backup data from the database
server: .

An error occurred in the database server.

Refer to the database server message log for more information. If the
cause of the error is still unclear, contact GBase Technical Support.
有关详细信息,请参阅数据库服务器消息日志。如果错误的原因尚不清楚,请与 GBase

-43112 Unable to close the logical log backup: .

An error occurred in the database server.

Refer to the database server message log for more information. If the

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cause of the error is still unclear, contact GBase Technical Support.
有关详细信息,请参阅数据库服务器消息日志。如果错误的原因尚不清楚,请与 GBase

-43113 Unable to commit the logical log backup: .

An error occurred in the database server.

Refer to the database server message log for more information. If the
cause of the error is still unclear, contact GBase Technical Support.
有关详细信息,请参阅数据库服务器消息日志。如果错误的原因尚不清楚,请与 GBase

-43114 Unable to create the storage space backup session:

An error occurred in the database server.

Refer to the database server message log for more information. If the
cause of the error is still unclear, contact GBase Technical Support.
有关详细信息,请参阅数据库服务器消息日志。如果错误的原因尚不清楚,请与 GBase

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-43115 Unable to start the storage space backup: .

An error occurred in the database server.

Refer to the database server message log for more information. If the
cause of the error is still unclear, contact GBase Technical Support.
有关详细信息,请参阅数据库服务器消息日志。如果错误的原因尚不清楚,请与 GBase

-43116 Unable to get storage space backup data from the database
server: .

An error occurred in the database server.

Refer to the database server message log for more information. If the
cause of the error is still unclear, contact GBase Technical Support.
有关详细信息,请参阅数据库服务器消息日志。如果错误的原因尚不清楚,请与 GBase

-43117 Unable to close the storage space backup: .

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An error occurred in the database server.

Refer to the database server message log for more information. If the
cause of the error is still unclear, contact GBase Technical Support.
有关详细信息,请参阅数据库服务器消息日志。如果错误的原因尚不清楚,请与 GBase

-43118 Unable to commit the storage space backup: .

An error occurred in the database server.

Refer to the database server message log for more information. If the
cause of the error is still unclear, contact GBase Technical Support.
有关详细信息,请参阅数据库服务器消息日志。如果错误的原因尚不清楚,请与 GBase

-43119 Unable to create the storage space restore session:

An error occurred in the database server.

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Refer to the database server message log for more information. If the
cause of the error is still unclear, contact GBase Technical Support.
有关详细信息,请参阅数据库服务器消息日志。如果错误的原因尚不清楚,请与 GBase

-43120 Unable to start the storage space restore: .

An error occurred in the database server.

Refer to the database server message log for more information. If the
cause of the error is still unclear, contact GBase Technical Support.
有关详细信息,请参阅数据库服务器消息日志。如果错误的原因尚不清楚,请与 GBase

-43121 Unable to write storage space restore data to the database
server: .

An error occurred in the database server.

Refer to the database server message log for more information. If the
cause of the error is still unclear, contact GBase Technical Support.

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有关详细信息,请参阅数据库服务器消息日志。如果错误的原因尚不清楚,请与 GBase

-43122 Unable to close the storage space restore: .

An error occurred in the database server.

Refer to the database server message log for more information. If the
cause of the error is still unclear, contact GBase Technical Support.
有关详细信息,请参阅数据库服务器消息日志。如果错误的原因尚不清楚,请与 GBase

-43123 Unable to commit the storage space restore: .

An error occurred in the database server.

Refer to the database server message log for more information. If the
cause of the error is still unclear, contact GBase Technical Support.
有关详细信息,请参阅数据库服务器消息日志。如果错误的原因尚不清楚,请与 GBase

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-43124 Unable to create the logical log restore session:

An error occurred in the database server.

Refer to the database server message log for more information. If the
cause of the error is still unclear, contact GBase Technical Support.
有关详细信息,请参阅数据库服务器消息日志。如果错误的原因尚不清楚,请与 GBase

-43125 Unable to start the logical log restore: .

An error occurred in the database server.

Refer to the database server message log for more information. If the
cause of the error is still unclear, contact GBase Technical Support.
有关详细信息,请参阅数据库服务器消息日志。如果错误的原因尚不清楚,请与 GBase

-43126 Unable to write logical log restore data to the database
server: .

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An error occurred in the database server.

Refer to the database server message log for more information. If the
cause of the error is still unclear, contact GBase Technical Support.
有关详细信息,请参阅数据库服务器消息日志。如果错误的原因尚不清楚,请与 GBase

-43127 Unable to close the logical log restore: .

An error occurred in the database server.

Refer to the database server message log for more information. If the
cause of the error is still unclear, contact GBase Technical Support.
有关详细信息,请参阅数据库服务器消息日志。如果错误的原因尚不清楚,请与 GBase

-43128 Unable to commit the logical log restore: .

An error occurred in the database server.

Refer to the database server message log for more information. If the

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cause of the error is still unclear, contact GBase Technical Support.
有关详细信息,请参阅数据库服务器消息日志。如果错误的原因尚不清楚,请与 GBase

-43129 Unable to create the salvage logs session: .

An error occurred in the database server.

Refer to the database server message log for more information. If the
cause of the error is still unclear, contact GBase Technical Support.
有关详细信息,请参阅数据库服务器消息日志。如果错误的原因尚不清楚,请与 GBase

-43130 Unable to start logical log salvage: .

An error occurred in the database server.

Refer to the database server message log for more information. If the
cause of the error is still unclear, contact GBase Technical Support.
有关详细信息,请参阅数据库服务器消息日志。如果错误的原因尚不清楚,请与 GBase

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-43131 Unable to get logical log salvage data from disk: .

An error occurred in the database server.

Refer to the database server message log for more information. If the
cause of the error is still unclear, contact GBase Technical Support.
有关详细信息,请参阅数据库服务器消息日志。如果错误的原因尚不清楚,请与 GBase

-43132 Unable to commit the logical log salvage: .

An error occurred in the database server.

Refer to the database server message log for more information. If the
cause of the error is still unclear, GBase contact Technical Support.
有关详细信息,请参阅数据库服务器消息日志。如果错误的原因尚不清楚,请与 GBase

-43133 Unable to open logical log placement: .

An error occurred in the database server.

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Refer to the database server message log for more information. If the
cause of the error is still unclear, contact GBase Technical Support.
有关详细信息,请参阅数据库服务器消息日志。如果错误的原因尚不清楚,请与 GBase

-43134 Unable to close logical log placement: .

An error occurred in the database server.

Refer to the database server message log for more information. If the
cause of the error is still unclear, contact GBase Technical Support.
有关详细信息,请参阅数据库服务器消息日志。如果错误的原因尚不清楚,请与 GBase

-43135 Error suspending session : .

An error occurred in the database server.

Refer to the database server message log for more information. If the
cause of the error is still unclear, contact GBase Technical Support.

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有关详细信息,请参阅数据库服务器消息日志。如果错误的原因尚不清楚,请与 GBase

-43136 Error resuming session : .

An error occurred in the database server.

Refer to the database server message log for more information. If the
cause of the error is still unclear, contact GBase Technical Support.
有关详细信息,请参阅数据库服务器消息日志。如果错误的原因尚不清楚,请与 GBase

-43137 The log backup may have made at least 1 blobspace unrestorable.

A log was backed up when a blobspace was down. The transactions in the logs
(transactions that involve TEXT or BYTE data) might not be restorable.
当一个 blobspace 关闭时,会备份一个日志。日志中的事务(涉及 TEXT 或 BYTE 数据

You might have to re-create the TEXT or BYTE data after the restore is

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-43138 Unable to allocate the transport buffer: .

An error occurred when the database server tried to allocate the transport


Note all circumstances, save a copy of the ON-Bar activity log and
database server message log, and contact GBase Technical Support.
请注意所有情况,保存 ON-Bar 活动日志和数据库服务器消息日志的副本,并与 GBase

-43139 Unable to free the transport buffer: .

An error occurred when the database server tried to free the transport
buffers. This error might occur in onbar workers if the database server
is brought down.

数据库服务器试图释放传输缓冲区时出错。如果关闭数据库服务器,onbar workers 可能

In all other cases, note the circumstances, save a copy of the ON-Bar
activity log and database server message log, and contact GBase Technical
在所有其他情况下,请注意情况,保存 ON-Bar 活动日志和数据库服务器消息日志的副
本,并与 GBase 技术支持部门联系。

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-43140 Due to the previous error, logical restore will not be

An error occurred in the physical restore. ON-Bar does not attempt a
logical restore to give the user a chance to fix the problem. If the
physical restore was cold, the database server is left in fast recovery
物理还原中发生错误。ON-Bar 不尝试进行逻辑恢复以给用户一个修复问题的机会。如果

You have the following two choices:

1) Fix the problem and finish the restore with onbar -r or
onbar -r . ON-Bar re-attempts to restore the failed
storage space.
1)修复此问题,并使用 onbar -r 或 onbar -r 。 ON-Bar 重新

2) Finish the restore with onbar -r -l. ON-Bar performs a logical
restore but leaves off-line any storage spaces that are not yet
physically restored.
2)用 onbar -r -l 完成恢复。ON-Bar 执行逻辑恢复,但保留任何尚未物理恢复的存储

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-43143 WARNING: Storage space is being dropped and cannot be backed up.

On-Bar found that the storage space is in the process of being dropped.
On-Bar 发现存储空间正在被删除的过程中。

Verify that the storage space has been dropped or is in the process
of being dropped.

-43150 Must restore logical logs from or later.

The user wants to stop the restore at too early a logical log. A storage-space
backup occurred after the log that the user specified.

Retry the restore up to the specified logical log or later.

-43151 Cannot warm restore critical media: . Skipped restore
of this space.

Critical media (root dbspace or any dbspace that contains a logical or

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physical log) cannot be restored if the database server is online. This
space will be skipped.
如果数据库服务器处于联机状态,则无法还原关键媒体(root dbspace 或包含逻辑或物
理日志的 dbspace)。这个空间将被跳过。

-43152 Begin cold level restore (Storage
Manager copy ID: ).

This is an ON-Bar progress message.
这是一个 ON-Bar 进度信息。

-43153 Completed cold level restore .

This is an ON-Bar progress message.
这是一个 ON-Bar 进度信息。

-43154 Begin fake backup.

This is an ON-Bar progress message.
这是一个 ON-Bar 进度信息。

-43155 Completed fake backup.

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This is an ON-Bar progress message.
这是一个 ON-Bar 进度信息。

-43156 Fake backup failed.

Contact GBase Technical Support.
请与 GBase 技术支持部门联系。

-43157 Begin level backup .

This is an ON-Bar progress message.
这是一个 ON-Bar 进度信息。

-43158 Completed level backup (Storage Manager
copy ID: ).

This is an ON-Bar progress message.
这是一个 ON-Bar 进度信息。

-43159 Begin salvage for log .

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This is an ON-Bar progress message.
这是一个 ON-Bar 进度信息。

-43160 Completed salvage of logical log (Storage Manager copy ID:

This is an ON-Bar progress message.
这是一个 ON-Bar 进度信息。

-43161 off-line blobspaces () were found
while salvaging logical logs.

The logical-log backup of changes to a blobspace requires the blobspace to
be online. Any blobspace that is off-line during a logical-log salvage
(which means the blobspace was off-line before the database server failed)
is no longer restorable using ON-Bar.
对 blobspace 的更改的逻辑日志备份要求 blobspace 处于联机状态。任何在逻辑日志挽
救过程中处于脱机状态的空白(这意味着在数据库服务器故障之前 blobspace 处于脱机
状态)不再可以使用 ON-Bar 恢复。

Re-create the blobspace and reload it as recommended in the Administrator's
按照“管理员指南”中的建议,重新创建 blobspace 并重新加载它。

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-43162 Begin warm level restore (Storage
Manager copy ID: ).

This is an ON-Bar progress message.
这是一个 ON-Bar 进度信息。

-43163 Completed warm level restore .

This is an ON-Bar progress message.
这是一个 ON-Bar 进度信息。

-43164 Begin backup logical log .

This is an ON-Bar progress message.
这是一个 ON-Bar 进度信息。

-43165 Completed backup logical log (Storage Manager copy ID:

This is an ON-Bar progress message.
这是一个 ON-Bar 进度信息。

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-43166 Begin restore logical log (Storage Manager copy ID:

This is an ON-Bar progress message.
这是一个 ON-Bar 进度信息。

-43167 Completed restore logical log .

This is an ON-Bar progress message.
这是一个 ON-Bar 进度信息。

-43168 ON-Bar suspended the logical restore on log
(expected to restore to ).

ON-Bar was able to restore up through log file x.
ON-Bar 能够通过日志文件 x 进行恢复。

To restore all data, however, you also need to restore log files x + 1
through y. Query your storage manager to find out if the backups of these
log files exist and if they are restorable. If the log files are not
restorable or you do not want to restore them, issue the following commands
to force the logical restore to end:
但是,要恢复所有数据,还需要还原日志文件 x + 1 到 y。查询存储管理器,找出这些

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onmode -k; oninit

Otherwise, issue onbar -r -l to resume the logical restore.
否则,发出 onbar -r -l 以恢复逻辑恢复。

-43169 You must restore all critical storage spaces for a cold restore.

A cold restore was attempted that did not include the critical storage spaces.

Try the restore again, but include the root dbspaces and all other critical
dbspaces, if any.
再次尝试还原,但包括 root dbspace 和所有其他关键 dbspaces(如果有的话)。

-43170 ON-Bar could not find the proper log from which to begin the
logical restore.

Either no logical-log restore is needed or a logical-log backup is not

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If the database server is not in quiescent or online mode, contact
GBase Technical Support.
如果数据库服务器没有处于静止或联机模式,请与 GBase 技术支持部门联系。

-43171 Cannot restart a warm logical restore.

ON-Bar cannot restart a logical restore with the database server in online
or quiescent mode.
ON-Bar 无法在联机或静态模式下重新启动数据库服务器的逻辑还原。

Bring down the database server and restart the restore.

-43172 Completed external restore.

This message is an ON-Bar progress message.
这是一个 ON-Bar 进度信息。

-43173 External restore failed.

An error occurred in the database server.


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Refer to the ON-Bar activity log or database server message log for
more information. If the cause of the error is still unclear, contact
GBase Technical Support.
有关详细信息,请参阅 ON-Bar 活动日志或数据库服务器消息日志。如果错误的原因尚不
清楚,请与 GBase 技术支持部门联系。

-43174 percent of has been backed up.

This message provides progress feedback for backup as a percentage of dbspace
此消息以 dbspace 大小的百分比提供备份进度反馈。

-43175 percent of has been restored.

This message provides progress feedback for restore as a percentage of
dbspace size.
此消息提供恢复进度反馈,作为 dbspace 大小的百分比。

-43176 buffers of have been restored.

This is an ON-Bar progress message that reports the number of buffers
这是一个 ON-Bar 进度消息,它报告恢复的缓冲区的数量。

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-43177 Physical restore complete. Logical restore required before work
can continue. Use 'onbar -r -l' to do logical restore.

This restore was a physical-only restore, or the logical restore failed.

Perform a logical restore.

-43178 The data returned from the Storage Manager for restore is

The amount of data in the buffer that the storage manager returned for
the restore is not a multiple of the database server page size
(2 kilobytes, 4 kilobytes, or 8 kilobytes, depending on your system
and configuration). A restore requires complete pages of data.

存储管理器为恢复返回的缓冲区中的数据量不是数据库服务器页大小的倍数(2 KB、4 KB
或 8 KB,取决于您的系统和配置)。还原需要完整的数据页。

Check your storage manager for possible errors. Verify that all the
storage media are complete and usable and that all the storage devices
are functional and online.

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-43179 Continuous logical log backup sessions cannot be destroyed. Use
onbar off "Log backup ".

An attempt to destroy a continuous logical-log backup session (Log backup
) was made. This action is not allowed.
尝试销毁连续逻辑日志备份会话(日志备份 )。此操作是不允许的。

If you need to stop a logical-log backup session for some reason, use
'onbar off "Log backup "', in which is the number
of the coserver (1, 2, 3, and so on), to temporarily suspend the session.
You can use 'onbar on "Log backup "' to resume the session when
the problem is resolved. Do not use 'onbar -d "Log backup "'
to destroy the session.
如果出于某种原因需要停止逻辑日志备份会话,请使用 'onbar off "Log backup
"',其中 是 coserver (1, 2, 3 等等)的数
量,来临时挂起会话。当问题解决时,可以使用 'onbar on "Log backup id>"' 来恢复会话。不要使用 'onbar -d "Log backup "' 来破

-43180 One of the spaces externally restored on coserver
was backed up after .

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ON-Bar has determined the most recent time to which all coservers can be
restored and has reported the internal global time stamp in the error
message. One of the storage spaces that was externally restored on the
named coserver was backed up after that time. Hence a logical restore
cannot return all storage spaces to a consistent state.
ON-Bar 已经确定了最近的时间,所有协同服务器都可以恢复到这个时间,并在错误消息

Use the ctime() function to convert the global time stamp to a
clock time. Then check that all the external backups used in the
external restore of data on the named coserver were made before that
time. Any space that was restored from too recent a backup needs to be
re-restored from an older backup. Then try the ON-Bar external restore
command again.
使用 ctime() 函数将全局时间戳转换为时钟时间。然后检查在命名的协同服务器上数据
需要从旧备份中重新还原。然后再次尝试 ON-Bar 外部还原命令。

-43181 Completed logical restore.

This message is an ON-Bar progress message.
此消息是 ON-Bar 进度消息。

No action is required.

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-43182 Completed whole-system restore.

This message is an ON-Bar progress message.
此消息是 ON-Bar 进度消息。

No action is required.

-43183 Logical logs will not be backed up / salvaged because LTAPEDEV
value is .

If the LTAPEDEV value in your ONCONFIG file is /dev/null on UNIX or
NUL on Windows, logical-log backups are not performed. You set these
special values to tell the database server and ON-Bar not to perform
any logical-log backups. Data in the logical logs cannot be restored.
如果 ONCONFIG 文件中的 LTAPEDEV 值在 UNIX 上为/dev/null,在 Windows 上为 NUL,

Set the LTAPEDEV value to something other than /dev/null on UNIX or NUL
on Windows or to blank if you want to perform logical-log backups.
If you do not want any logical-log backups, you can restore only from

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whole-system backups, performed with the following command:
如果要执行逻辑日志备份,则将 LTAPEDEV 值设置为 UNIX 上的 /dev/null 或 Windows
上的 NUL 以外的值,或者设置为空。如果不需要任何逻辑日志备份,则只能通过以下命

onbar -b -w

Also, you must restore with the following command:

onbar -r -w -p

-43184 The transport buffer size has changed since the backup.
Changing buffer size to for restore.

A space or a logical log must be restored using the same transport buffer
size as was used when the space or log was backed up. ON-Bar automatically
detects that the buffer size has changed and uses the buffer size from
the backup.
必须使用与备份空间或日志时相同的传输缓冲区大小来还原空间或逻辑日志。On-Bar 自

-43185 A change in physical configuration has occurred. A level-0
backup of is being performed.

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The physical configuration of the database server has changed. For
example, a storage space, chunk, or logical-log file has been added or
dropped, or the physical log has been moved. To guarantee a successful
restore, a level-0 backup of the affected space and the root dbspace
is being performed now.
数据库服务器的物理配置已更改。例如,添加或删除了存储空间、chunk 或逻辑日志文
件,或者移动了物理日志。为了保证恢复成功,现在正在执行受影响空间和 root
dbspace 的级别 -0 备份。

No action is required.

-43186 The logical log is full on one or more coservers. ON-Bar's
attempt to back up these logs failed. A logical-log backup is needed.

The logical log is full on one or more coservers. Processing will be
blocked until these logical logs are backed up.

Perform a logical-log backup. Processing will continue after this
backup is complete.

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-43187 ON-Bar received an error/signal. The onbar session will
abort after cleanup.

If any of the ON-Bar processes encounters a non-fatal error and if
BAR_RETRY is set to ABORT(0), the parent process will not create any new
child processes. If the parent process receives a signal, the process
ignores the BAR_RETRY value and then aborts. In both cases, the ON-Bar
child processes that are running will continue to completion.
如果任何列上进程遇到非致命错误,如果 BAR_RETRY 设置为 ABORT(0),父进程将不会创
建任何新的子进程。如果父进程收到信号,则进程将忽略 BAR_RETRY 值,然后中止。在

Rerun the backup or restore command.

-43189 Logical Logs cannot be restored because LTAPEDEV value is

If the LTAPEDEV parameter value in your ONCONFIG file is /dev/null (UNIX)
or NUL (NT) or blank, logical log restore cannot be performed. These are
special values that you set to tell the server and ON-Bar that
log backups are not desired. Data in the logical log cannot be restored.
如果您的 ONCONFIG 文件中的 LTAPEDEV 参数值为 /dev/null(UNIX) 或 NUL (NT) 或空

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Set the LTAPEDEV parameter value to something other than /dev/null (UNIX)
or NUL (NT) or blank if logical log restores are desired. If logical
log restores are not desired use the -w and -p options with ON-Bar
commands to perform whole system, physical-only restore.
如果需要逻辑日志还原,则将 LTAPEDEV 参数值设置为 /dev/null(UNIX) 或 NUL (NT)
或空白。如果不需要逻辑日志还原,则使用 -w 和 -p 选项和 ON-Bar 命令执行整个系统

-43190 WARNING: Storage space names with path will not be supported
from next release onwards. Correct this in .

Only space (dbspace, blobspace, and so forth) names should be specified to ON-Bar
in a file or command line. ON-Bar will backup all the chunks belonging
to the spaces.
在文件或命令行中,只应将空间(dbspace、blobspace 等)名称指定为 ON-Bar。 ON-Bar
将备份属于空间的所有 chunk 。

Correct the file to specify storage space name without path prefixing.

-43194 WARNING: XBSA connect to storage manager failed.
Continuing external restore.

Either the storage manager is not running or it has not been installed and

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For pure external physical-only restore, no storage manager is needed.
Therefore, the external restore is continued at this point.
However, a storage manager may be necessary later if logical logs need
to be restored from backup media.

-43200 Shared memory not initialized.

The database server is not running.

Start the database server. For instructions, see the Administrator's

-43201 The database server has crashed or been shutdown. Exiting...

The database server has failed or has been shut down while one or more
ON-Bar worker processes are still running. The ON-Bar worker processes
will be automatically shut down.

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当一个或多个 ON-Bar 工作进程仍在运行时,数据库服务器已失败或已关闭。ON-Bar 工

-43202 Unable to determine mode of all coservers.

It was not possible to determine what mode each coserver is in (online,
quiescent, off-line, or microkernel).
无法确定每个 coserver 所处的模式(online、quiescent、off-line 或 microkernel)。

Verify that all coservers are running and that the coservers are
communicating with each other properly.

-43203 Not all coservers are in a compatible mode.

Not all coservers are in the same mode. Each coserver must be in a mode
compatible to all the others. For example, all the coservers must be in
microkernel mode to perform a cold restore. On-line and quiescent modes are
compatible, so a backup or warm restore can be performed as long as all
coservers are in one of these two modes.
兼容的模式中。例如,所有协同服务器必须处于 microkernel 模式下才能执行冷恢复。
On-line 模式和 quiescent 模式是兼容的,所以只要所有协同服务器都处于这两种模式

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Change all coservers to the same mode or to compatible modes.

-43204 ON-Bar is waiting for the database server to exit fast recovery

After finishing the logical restore phase of a cold restore, the database
server enters fast recovery mode. ON-Bar waits for fast recovery to complete
before cataloging the activity of the cold restore.
前, ON-Bar 等待快速恢复完成。

-43205 Failed to connect to the sysmaster or sysutils database.
Wait until these databases are created and try again.

Either the sysmaster or sysutils database has not been created.
尚未创建 sysmaster 或 sysutils 数据库。

Monitor the database server message log until the following messages

"'sysmaster' database built successfully"

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"'sysutils' database built successfully"

Then retry your command.

If one or both of these messages fail to appear, contact GBase Technical
如果其中一条或两条消息都没有出现,请与 GBase 技术支持部门联系。

-43206 An attempt to change the database server operating mode
failed: .

An error occurred during an attempt to change the database server operating

Check the database server message log for errors.

-43207 Unable to open connection to database server: .

The database server is in an incorrect operating mode.

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Bring the database server to the correct mode. For a backup, the
database server should be in online or quiescent mode. For a warm
restore, the database server should be in online, quiescent, backup,
or recovery mode. For a cold restore, the database server should be
off-line for GBase 8s Dynamic Server 9.2x or later and in microkernel
mode for GBase 8s Extended Parallel Server. To change the database
server mode, use the onmode or oninit command.
使数据库服务器进入正确的模式。对于备份,数据库服务器应该处于 online 或
quiescent 模式。对于温还原,数据库服务器应该处于 online、quiescent、backup 或
recovery 模式。对于冷还原,对于 GBase 8s Dynamic Server 9.2x 或更高版本,数据
库服务器应该处于 off-line 状态,对于 GBase 8s 扩展并行服务器,数据库服务器应该
处于 microkernel 模式。若要更改数据库服务器模式,请使用 onmode 或 oninit 命

-43208 Fatal error initializing ASF; asfcode =

An error occurred during initialization of the ASF layer.
初始化 ASF 层时发生错误。

To determine the cause of the error, refer to the ASF error codes
and then rerun the backup or restore command.
若要确定错误原因,请参考 ASF 错误代码,然后重新运行备份或还原命令。

-43210 ON-Bar failed to initialize the XCC communications mechanism

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An error occurred in an attempt to initialize communications between

Refer to the database server message log for more information. If the
cause of the error is still unclear, contact GBase Technical Support.
有关详细信息,请参阅数据库服务器消息日志。如果错误的原因尚不清楚,请与 GBase

-43211 The onbar process is waiting for onbar_m processes to connect
at .

In a cold restore on GBase 8s Extended Parallel Server or GBase 8s
Dynamic Server with Advanced Decision Support and Extended Parallel options,
the ON-Bar process that the user started launches onbar_m processes on
various nodes of the MPP to collect data required to perform the cold
restore. Each onbar_m process needs to connect to the ON-Bar process using a
communications address that the ON-Bar process devised. This message names
the address.
在具有高级决策支持和扩展并行选项的 GBase 8s 扩展并行服务器或 GBase 8s 动态服务
器上的冷还原中,用户开始在 MPP 的各个节点上启动 onbar_m 进程以收集执行冷恢复所
需的数据。每个 onbar_m 进程都需要使用 ON-Bar 进程设计的通信地址连接到 ON-Bar

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If you are starting onbar_m by hand, type the address that the message named
on the onbar_m command line.
如果要手动启动 onbar_m,请键入 onbar_m 命令行上命名的消息的地址。

-43212 Waiting for onbar_m processes to connect...

Several onbar_m processes have just started, and ON-Bar is waiting for all
of them to come up.
几个 onbar_m 进程刚刚开始,On-Bar 正在等待所有这些进程的出现。

-43213 All onbar_m processes have connected.

This is an ON-Bar progress message.
这是一个 ON-Bar 进度信息。

-43214 The onbar_m process started on node failed with
status : .

One of the onbar_m processes failed to connect to ON-Bar.
其中一个 nbar_m 程未能连接到 ON-Bar。

If this message occurs once, try to start an onbar_m process on the named

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node by hand as user gbasedbt. If this message occurs repeatedly, contact
GBase Technical Support with the status information in the
error message and with the contents of your ONCONFIG file.
如果此消息只发生一次,请尝试以 gbasedbt 用户的身份在指定节点上启动 onbar_m 进
程。如果此消息重复发生,请与 GBase 技术支持部门联系,了解错误消息中的状态信息
和 ONCONFIG 文件的内容。

-43215 The onbar_m process on node sent an unexpected
message ( instead of ).

This message indicates either an error in the ON-Bar software or an onbar_m
process that did not start correctly.
此消息表示 On-Bar 软件中的错误或 onbar_m 进程未正确启动。

Contact GBase Technical Support.
请与 GBase 技术支持联系。

-43216 The ON-Bar process received a polling error from XCC
( : ).

An error occurred in inter-coserver communications.

If this message occurs once, try to start the cold restore again. If

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this message occurs repeatedly, contact GBase Technical Support
with the status information in the error message and with the contents
of your ONCONFIG file.
如果此消息发生一次,请再次启动冷还原。如果此消息重复发生,请与 GBase 技术支持
部门联系,了解错误消息中的状态信息和 ONCONFIG 文件的内容。

-43217 The ON-Bar process failed to send an XCC message
( : ).

An error occurred in inter-coserver communications.

If this message occurs once, try to start the cold restore again. If
this message occurs repeatedly, contact GBase Technical Support
with the status information in the error message and with the contents
of your ONCONFIG file.
如果此消息发生一次,请再次启动冷还原。如果此消息重复发生,请与 GBase 技术支持
部门联系,了解错误消息中的状态信息和 ONCONFIG 文件的内容。

-43218 The ON-Bar process failed to receive an XCC message
( : value-2).

An error occurred in inter-coserver communications.

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If this message occurs once, try to start the cold restore again. If
this message occurs repeatedly, contact GBase Technical Support
with the status information in the error message and with the contents
of your ONCONFIG file.
如果此消息发生一次,请再次启动冷还原。如果此消息重复发生,请与 GBase 技术支持
部门联系,了解错误消息中的状态信息和 ONCONFIG 文件的内容。

-43219 A rename chunk restore failed. Server is not in off-line mode.

Restore with chunk rename can only be done as cold restore when the server
is off-line.
使用 chunk 重命名的还原只能在服务器 off-line 时作为冷还原来完成。

To do a restore with chunk rename, bring the server off-line and do
a cold restore.
若要使用 chunk 重命名进行还原,请将服务器 off-line 并进行冷还原。

-43225 There may be duplicate copy ID's in use for backup objects
in the sysutils database. More than one backup object may share
the same copy ID. Expiring backups using onsmsync in this
scenario may cause backup objects that should not be expired
to be removed from the PSM storage manager.

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The number of unique ins_aid, ins_oid pairs for backup objects
(act_type 1 or 5) does not match the number of unique copy ID's
(ins_copyid_hi, ins_copyid_lo) for the backup objects in sysutils.
This may indicate that there is more than one backup object with
the same copy ID in sysutils.
备份对象(act_type 1 或 5)的 unique ins_aid、 ins_oid 对的数量与 sysutils 中
备份对象的唯一副本 ID(ins_copyid_hi,ins_copyid_lo)的数量不匹配。这可能表明
sysutils 中有多个具有相同副本 ID 的备份对象。

Duplicate copy ID's in sysutils may result from exporting/importing
backup objects from one PSM storage manager to another PSM
storage manager where the same object ID's (copy ID's) in use in
sysutils are now being used for new backups. In such cases,
onsmsync may not be able to distinguish between the two objects
during expiration processing. Manual clean-up may be needed until
the sysutils info and the PSM storage manager catalog are compatible.
在 sysutils 中复制副本 ID 的原因可能是将备份对象从一个 PSM 存储管理器导出/导入
到另一个 PSM 存储管理器,其中在 sysutils 中使用的相同对象 ID (复制 ID)正在用于
新的备份。在这种情况下,onsmsync 可能无法在过期处理期间区分这两个对象。可能需
要手动清理。sysutils info 和 PSM 存储管理器目录是兼容的。

To skip the check for duplicate copy ID's in sysutils, set the
environment variable BAR_SKIP_DUPS_CHECK=1 and re-run the
onsmsync expiration command.
若要跳过 sysutils 中重复复制 ID 的检查,请设置环境变量BAR_SKIP_DUPS_CHECK=1 ,
然后重新运行 onsmsync expiration 命令。

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-43230 The problem just reported is not fatal; processing will continue.

ON-Bar just reported a warning or error in the activity log. However, this
problem is not fatal. ON-Bar will continue processing, either retrying or
using a different algorithm to complete the task. Other unrecoverable errors
might occur later.
ON-Bar 刚刚报告了活动日志中的警告或错误。然而,这个问题并不致命。ON-Bar 将继续

Watch for further errors. Be aware that further processing may take longer
than expected.

-43231 An unexpected error occurred: .

Several possible causes exist for this error, including operating-system
failures, version incompatibilities, and software errors.

Verify that the versions of the database server, ON-Bar, and the storage
manager are compatible. For a list of compatible versions, refer to the
GBase 8s Backup and Restore Guide, release notes, machine notes, or storage

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manager documentation.

验证数据库服务器、 ON-Bar 和存储管理器的版本是否兼容.有关兼容版本的列表,请参
阅 GBase 8s 备份和还原指南、发行说明、机器注释或存储管理器文档。

If the versions are compatible, try to stop the backup and restore process
or processes and restart them.

If the error persists, note all circumstances, save a copy of the ON-Bar
and database server message logs, and contact GBase Technical Support.
如果错误仍然存在,请注意所有情况,保存 ON-Bar 和数据库服务器消息日志的副本,并
与 GBase 技术支持部门联系。

-43232 The error just encountered may be transitory. ON-Bar is
retrying the last statement.

ON-Bar just reported a warning or error. This problem, however, might be
caused by another process and might clear up after the other process
continues. ON-Bar will automatically retry the failed statement.

ON-Bar 刚刚报告了一个警告或错误。但是,这个问题可能是由另一个进程引起的,并可
能在另一个进程继续后清除。ON-Bar 将自动重试失败语句。

Monitor for further errors. If the automatic retry fails, retry the
backup or restore command.

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-43233 Linked list operation failed .

A linked list operation failed.

This error is internal. Retry the operation and if it
continues to fail, contact GBase Technical Support.
此错误为内部错误。重试操作,如果操作继续失败,请与 GBase 技术支持部门联系。

-43234 New BAR_DEBUG level recognized: old value was , new
value is .

The BAR_DEBUG parameter in the ONCONFIG file has changed values or
debug level is specified on command line. The new debug level value
will be used for further tracing.
ONCONFIG 文件中的 BAR_DEBUG 参数更改了值,或者在命令行上指定了调试级别。新的调

-43240 Process successfully forked.

This is an ON-Bar progress message.
这是一个 ON-Bar 进度信息。

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-43241 Process completed.

This is an ON-Bar progress message.
这是一个 ON-Bar 进度信息。

-43242 The ON-Bar process exited without returning an exit code.

An ON-Bar child process was started and exited, but the parent process could
not find its exit code. This situation can occur if too many child processes
exit at the same time.
启动并退出了“ON-Bar 子进程”,但父进程无法找到其退出代码。如果同时退出太多子

ON-Bar proceeds as if this child process were successful and cataloged its
activity properly. Check the activity log for any evidence whether this process
encountered an error. Make sure the bar_action and bar_object tables in the
sysutils database correctly reflect the success or failure of this process.
ON-Bar 继续进行,就好像这个子进程是成功的,并正确地对其活动进行了分类。检查活
动日志中是否有此过程遇到错误的任何证据。确保 sysutils 数据库中的 bar_action 和
bar_object 表正确地反映了此过程的成功或失败。

-43243 The process is participating in a backup/restore

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session but is suspended.

The database administrator, computer operator, or storage manager sent SIGSTOP
or SIGTSTP, usually a CTRL-Z or CTRL-Y, to this process. Presumably this
action was taken to halt processing temporarily during resolution of a problem.

Send SIGCONT to this process (kill -CONT ) to allow the process to
complete its backup or restore, SIGTERM to stop this particular process, or
SIGQUIT to end the whole backup or restore session.
将 SIGCONT 发送到此进程(kill -CONT )以允许进程完成其备份或
还原,SIGTERM 用于停止此特定进程,或发送 SIGQUIT 以结束整个备份或恢复会话。

-43244 All onbar processes participating in the backup/restore session are

The database administrator, computer operator, or storage manager sent
SIGSTOP or SIGTSTP, usually a CTRL-Z or CTRL-Y, to all of the processes
involved in this backup or restore session. Presumably this action was
taken to halt processing temporarily during resolution of a problem.

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Use the ps system command to find a list of all ON-Bar processes. Send
SIGCONT to each of them (kill -CONT ) to allow each process
to complete its backup or restore, SIGTERM to stop a particular process,
or SIGQUIT to one of the processes to end the whole backup or restore
使用 ps 系统命令查找所有 ON-Bar 进程的列表。向每个进程发送 SIGCONT(kill -CONT
) 以允许每个进程完成其备份或还原,向 SIGTERM 发送停止特定进
程的 SIGTERM,或向其中一个进程发送 SIGQUIT 以结束整个备份或恢复会话。

-43245 ON-Bar could not start another child process.

ON-Bar encountered an error starting another process to back up or restore
data in parallel. A lack of sufficient memory or the user having too many
processes running at the same time usually causes this situation.
ON-Bar 启动另一个进程以并行备份或恢复数据时出错。内存不足或用户同时运行过多进

Increase the amount of real memory or swap space, end any unnecessary
processes, or reduce BAR_MAX_BACKUP value in your ONCONFIG file.
增加实际内存量或交换空间,结束任何不必要的进程,或减少 ONCONFIG 文件中

-43246 The ON-Bar process exited with a problem (exit code
(0x), signal ).

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An ON-Bar child process encountered an error while performing its backup or
restore. The child process returned an error (the exit code) to its parent.
If the exit code has the value 141 (0x8d), then the child process exited
because it received an operating-system signal, reported by this message.
ON-Bar 子进程在执行其备份或还原时遇到错误。子进程向其父进程返回一个错误(退出代
码)。如果退出代码的值为 141(0x8d),则子进程退出,因为它收到了由此消息报告的操

If the exit code reported in the message is non-zero, then look at the list
of ON-Bar exit codes in the documentation or at the ON-Bar activity log to
find the cause of the problem. If the signal number is non-zero, look at
the documentation for your operating system to see what might have caused
this problem.
如果消息中报告的退出代码为非零,则请查看文档中的 ON-Bar 退出代码列表或 ON-Bar

-43247 complete, returning (0x).

An ON-Bar process has completed its processing and is exiting.
ON-Bar 进程已完成其处理并正在退出。

If the process returned 0, then no further action is required. If the
process returned a nonzero value, then check the activity log for errors and

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take action appropriate for those errors.
如果进程返回 0,则不需要进一步的操作。如果进程返回一个非零值,则检查活动日志中

-43255 Successfully connected to Storage Manager.

This is an ON-Bar progress message.
这是一个 ON-Bar 进度信息。

-43256 Version of the XBSA shared library is not
compatible with version of ON-Bar.

Either the XBSA shared library that the storage manager vendor
provided has not been validated by GBase, or an error occurred during
the installation of ON-Bar or the storage manager application.
要么是存储管理器供应商提供的 XBSA 共享库未经GBase验证,要么是在安装 ON-Bar 或

Look at the contents of the sm_versions file in $GBS_HOME/etc
or %GBS_HOME%\etc. Make sure that the data matches the version of
your storage manager and confirm that this version of the storage
manager has been certified with this version of ON-Bar. Consult your
storage-manager documentation for the correct storage manager version
to put into the sm_versions table in the sysutils database.

GBase 8s 错误消息
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查看 $GBS_HOME/etc 或 %GBS_HOME%\etc 中 sm_versions 文件的内容。确保数据
与存储管理器的版本相匹配,并确认此版本的存储管理器已通过此版本的 ON-Bar 认证。
请参阅存储管理器文档,以获得要放入 sysutils 数据库中 sm_versions 表中的正确存

-43257 Could not open XBSA library .

The shared library does not exist, it has a bad format, or you do not have
permission to read it.

Make sure that the shared library for the Storage Manager was installed
properly and that the ONCONFIG file has the correct value for BAR_BSALIB_PATH.
请确保存储管理器的共享库已正确安装,并且 ONCONFIG 文件的 BAR_BSALIB_PATH 具有

-43258 ON-Bar could not get logical log from the Storage

The backup of this logical log file is missing.

Query your storage manager to find out if the backup of this log file
exists and if it is restorable.

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-43259 Could not open XBSA library , so trying default

The shared library does not exist, it has a bad format, or you do not have
permission to read it.

Make sure that the shared library for the storage manager was installed
properly and that the ONCONFIG file has the correct value for BAR_BSALIB_PATH.
确保存储管理器的共享库已正确安装,并且 ONCONFIG 文件的 BAR_BSALIB_PATH 具有正

-43260 ON-Bar was unable to get backup record of from
storage manager.

The storage manager does not have a backup record for the dbspace or

存储管理器没有 dbspace 或 blobspace 的备份记录。

For more information, contact the storage manager vendor or GBase Technical
有关更多信息,请与存储管理器供应商或 GBase 技术支持部门联系。

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-43261 BAR_BSALIB_PATH is undefined; trying default path.

Either a line in the ONCONFIG file contains BAR_BSALIB_PATH with no value,
or a problem occurred reading the ONCONFIG file.

Verify that the format of the ONCONFIG file is correct. Also make sure that
either BAR_BSALIB_PATH is assigned a correct value or is not specified in
the file at all.
验证 ONCONFIG 文件的格式是否正确。还要确保给 BAR_BSALIB_PATH 分配了一个正确的

-43262 The wrong version of was returned from the
Storage Manager.

The storage space or log file returned by the storage manager for
restore is not the object requested by ON-Bar.
存储管理器返回的用于恢复的存储空间或日志文件不是 ON-Bar 请求的对象。

Query your storage manager to find out if the correct backup of this
storage space or log file exists and if it is restorable.

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-43263 XBSA Error: () Active object does not exist.
Attempt to deactivate it failed.

An error occurred in the storage manager application.

Refer to the storage manager message log (or equivalent) for more
information. If the cause of the error is still unclear, contact your
storage manager technical support. If you are using the GBase 8s Storage
Manager, contact GBase Technical Support.
您的存储管理器技术支持联系。如果您正在使用 GBase 8s 存储管理器,请与 GBase 技

-43264 XBSA

An error occurred in the storage manager application.

Refer to the storage manager message log (or equivalent) for more
information. If the cause of the error is still unclear, contact your
storage manager technical support. If you are using the GBase 8s Storage

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Manager, contact GBase Technical Support.
您的存储管理器技术支持联系。如果您正在使用 GBase 8s 存储管理器,请与 GBase 技

-43265 XBSA Error: () Attempt to authorize

Verify that the username is gbasedbt or root or is a member of the
bargroup group.
验证用户名是 gbasedbt 或 root,或者是 bargroup 组的成员。

-43266 XBSA Error: () Invalid XBSA function call

An error occurred in the storage manager application.

Refer to the storage manager message log (or equivalent) for more
information. If the cause of the error is still unclear, contact your
storage manager technical support. If you are using the GBase 8s Storage
Manager, contact GBase Technical Support.
您的存储管理器技术支持联系。如果您正在使用 GBase 8s 存储管理器,请与 GBase 技

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-43267 XBSA Error: () Invalid XBSA session handle

An error occurred in the storage manager application.

Refer to the storage manager message log (or equivalent) for more
information. If the cause of the error is still unclear, contact your
storage manager technical support. If you are using the GBase 8s Storage
Manager, contact GBase Technical Support.
您的存储管理器技术支持联系。如果您正在使用 GBase 8s 存储管理器,请与 GBase 技

-43268 XBSA Error: () XBSA buffer is too small for
the object.

An error occurred in the storage manager application.

Refer to the storage manager message log (or equivalent) for more
information. If the cause of the error is still unclear, contact your

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storage manager technical support. If you are using the GBase 8s Storage
Manager, contact GBase Technical Support.
您的存储管理器技术支持联系。如果您正在使用 GBase 8s 存储管理器,请与 GBase 技

-43269 XBSA Error: () Description of the object
exceeds the maximum allowed value: .

An error occurred in the storage manager application.

Refer to the storage manager message log (or equivalent) for more
information. If the cause of the error is still unclear, contact your
storage manager technical support. If you are using the GBase 8s Storage
Manager, contact GBase Technical Support.
您的存储管理器技术支持联系。如果您正在使用 GBase 8s 存储管理器,请与 GBase 技

-43270 XBSA Error: () The database server name
exceeds maximum allowed size .

An error occurred in the storage manager application.

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Refer to the storage manager message log (or equivalent) for more
information. If the cause of the error is still unclear, contact your
storage manager technical support. If you are using the GBase 8s Storage
Manager, contact GBase Technical Support.
您的存储管理器技术支持联系。如果您正在使用 GBase 8s 存储管理器,请与 GBase 技

-43271 XBSA Error: () The new security token name is

An error occurred in the storage manager application.

Refer to the storage manager message log (or equivalent) for more
information. If the cause of the error is still unclear, contact your
storage manager technical support. If you are using the GBase 8s Storage
Manager, contact GBase Technical Support.
您的存储管理器技术支持联系。如果您正在使用 GBase 8s 存储管理器,请与 GBase 技

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-43272 XBSA Error: () Invalid vote value: Must be

An error occurred in the storage manager application.

Refer to the storage manager message log (or equivalent) for more
information. If the cause of the error is still unclear, contact your
storage manager technical support. If you are using the GBase 8s Storage
Manager, contact GBase Technical Support.
您的存储管理器技术支持联系。如果您正在使用 GBase 8s 存储管理器,请与 GBase 技

-43273 XBSA Error: () Invalid environment keyword.

An error occurred in the storage manager application.

Refer to the storage manager message log (or equivalent) for more
information. If the cause of the error is still unclear, contact your
storage manager technical support. If you are using the GBase 8s Storage
Manager, contact GBase Technical Support.
您的存储管理器技术支持联系。如果您正在使用 GBase 8s 存储管理器,请与 GBase 技

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-43274 XBSA Error: () That object already exists.

An error occurred in the storage manager application.

Refer to the storage manager message log (or equivalent) for more
information. If the cause of the error is still unclear, contact your
storage manager technical support. If you are using the GBase 8s Storage
Manager, contact GBase Technical Support.
您的存储管理器技术支持联系。如果您正在使用 GBase 8s 存储管理器,请与 GBase 技

-43275 XBSA Error: () A new security token must be

An error occurred in the storage manager application.

Refer to the storage manager message log (or equivalent) for more
information. If the cause of the error is still unclear, contact your
storage manager technical support. If you are using the GBase 8s Storage

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Manager, contact GBase Technical Support.
您的存储管理器技术支持联系。如果您正在使用 GBase 8s 存储管理器,请与 GBase 技

-43276 XBSA Error: () Backup object does not exist in
Storage Manager.

An error occurred in the storage manager application.

Refer to the storage manager message log (or equivalent) for more
information. If the cause of the error is still unclear, contact your
storage manager technical support. If you are using the GBase 8s Storage
Manager, contact GBase Technical Support.
您的存储管理器技术支持联系。如果您正在使用 GBase 8s 存储管理器,请与 GBase 技

-43277 XBSA Error: () Exceeded available resources.

An error occurred in the storage manager application.

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Refer to the storage manager message log (or equivalent) for more
information. If the cause of the error is still unclear, contact your
storage manager technical support. If you are using the GBase 8s Storage
Manager, contact GBase Technical Support.
您的存储管理器技术支持联系。如果您正在使用 GBase 8s 存储管理器,请与 GBase 技

-43278 XBSA Error: () A DataBlock pointer is

An error occurred in the storage manager application.

Refer to the storage manager message log (or equivalent) for more
information. If the cause of the error is still unclear, contact your
storage manager technical support. If you are using the GBase 8s Storage
Manager, contact GBase Technical Support.
您的存储管理器技术支持联系。如果您正在使用 GBase 8s 存储管理器,请与 GBase 技

-43279 XBSA Error: () An object name is required.

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An error occurred in the storage manager application.

Refer to the storage manager message log (or equivalent) for more
information. If the cause of the error is still unclear, contact your
storage manager technical support. If you are using the GBase 8s Storage
Manager, contact GBase Technical Support.
您的存储管理器技术支持联系。如果您正在使用 GBase 8s 存储管理器,请与 GBase 技

-43280 XBSA Error: () Unable to access NULL pointer.

An error occurred in the storage manager application.

Refer to the storage manager message log (or equivalent) for more
information. If the cause of the error is still unclear, contact your
storage manager technical support. If you are using the GBase 8s Storage
Manager, contact GBase Technical Support.
您的存储管理器技术支持联系。如果您正在使用 GBase 8s 存储管理器,请与 GBase 技

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-43281 XBSA Error: () Rule ID is required.

An error occurred in the storage manager application.

Refer to the storage manager message log (or equivalent) for more
information. If the cause of the error is still unclear, contact your
storage manager technical support. If you are using the GBase 8s Storage
Manager, contact GBase Technical Support.
您的存储管理器技术支持联系。如果您正在使用 GBase 8s 存储管理器,请与 GBase 技

-43282 XBSA Error: () The object is not empty.

An error occurred in the storage manager application.

Refer to the storage manager message log (or equivalent) for more
information. If the cause of the error is still unclear, contact your
storage manager technical support. If you are using the GBase 8s Storage
Manager, contact GBase Technical Support.
您的存储管理器技术支持联系。如果您正在使用 GBase 8s 存储管理器,请与 GBase 技

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-43283 XBSA Error: () This object has not been
backed up.

An error occurred in the storage manager application.

Refer to the storage manager message log (or equivalent) for more
information. If the cause of the error is still unclear, contact your
storage manager technical support. If you are using the GBase 8s Storage
Manager, contact GBase Technical Support.
您的存储管理器技术支持联系。如果您正在使用 GBase 8s 存储管理器,请与 GBase 技

-43284 XBSA Error: () Object information data exceeds
maximum allowed size .

An error occurred in the storage manager application.

Refer to the storage manager message log (or equivalent) for more
information. If the cause of the error is still unclear, contact your
storage manager technical support. If you are using the GBase 8s Storage

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Manager, contact GBase Technical Support.
您的存储管理器技术支持联系。如果您正在使用 GBase 8s 存储管理器,请与 GBase 技

-43285 XBSA Error: () Object name exceeds maximum
allowed size .

An error occurred in the storage manager application.

Refer to the storage manager message log (or equivalent) for more
information. If the cause of the error is still unclear, contact your
storage manager technical support. If you are using the GBase 8s Storage
Manager, contact GBase Technical Support.
您的存储管理器技术支持联系。如果您正在使用 GBase 8s 存储管理器,请与 GBase 技

-43286 XBSA Error: () Operation is not authorized
for .

An error occurred in the storage manager application.

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Refer to the storage manager message log (or equivalent) for more
information. If the cause of the error is still unclear, contact your
storage manager technical support. If you are using the GBase 8s Storage
Manager, contact GBase Technical Support.
您的存储管理器技术支持联系。如果您正在使用 GBase 8s 存储管理器,请与 GBase 技

-43287 XBSA Error: () A value for the old security
token is required.

An error occurred in the storage manager application.

Refer to the storage manager message log (or equivalent) for more
information. If the cause of the error is still unclear, contact your
storage manager technical support. If you are using the GBase 8s Storage
Manager, contact GBase Technical Support.
您的存储管理器技术支持联系。如果您正在使用 GBase 8s 存储管理器,请与 GBase 技

-43288 XBSA Error: () The security token has expired.

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Create a new one.

An error occurred in the storage manager application.

Refer to the storage manager message log (or equivalent) for more
information. If the cause of the error is still unclear, contact your
storage manager technical support. If you are using the GBase 8s Storage
Manager, contact GBase Technical Support.
您的存储管理器技术支持联系。如果您正在使用 GBase 8s 存储管理器,请与 GBase 技

-43289 XBSA Error: () The transaction was aborted.

An error occurred in the storage manager application.

Refer to the storage manager message log (or equivalent) for more
information. If the cause of the error is still unclear, contact your
storage manager technical support. If you are using the GBase 8s Storage
Manager, contact GBase Technical Support.
您的存储管理器技术支持联系。如果您正在使用 GBase 8s 存储管理器,请与 GBase 技

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-43290 XBSA Error: () A quote is missing from an
environment keyword.

An error occurred in the storage manager application.

Refer to the storage manager message log (or equivalent) for more
information. If the cause of the error is still unclear, contact your
storage manager technical support. If you are using the GBase 8s Storage
Manager, contact GBase Technical Support.
您的存储管理器技术支持联系。如果您正在使用 GBase 8s 存储管理器,请与 GBase 技

-43291 XBSA Error: () A username cannot be deleted
while it owns objects.

An error occurred in the storage manager application.

Refer to the storage manager message log (or equivalent) for more
information. If the cause of the error is still unclear, contact your
storage manager technical support. If you are using the GBase 8s Storage

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Manager, contact GBase Technical Support.
您的存储管理器技术支持联系。如果您正在使用 GBase 8s 存储管理器,请与 GBase 技

-43292 XBSA Error (): An unspecified XBSA error has
occurred: .

An error occurred in the storage manager application.

Refer to the storage manager message log (or equivalent) for more
information. If the cause of the error is still unclear, contact your
storage manager technical support. If you are using the GBase 8s Storage
Manager, contact GBase Technical Support.
您的存储管理器技术支持联系。如果您正在使用 GBase 8s 存储管理器,请与 GBase 技

-43293 XBSA Error: () A query or object retrieval
tried to get more data than exists.

An error occurred in the storage manager application.

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Refer to the storage manager message log (or equivalent) for more
information. If the cause of the error is still unclear, contact your
storage manager technical support. If you are using the GBase 8s Storage
Manager, contact GBase Technical Support.
您的存储管理器技术支持联系。如果您正在使用 GBase 8s 存储管理器,请与 GBase 技

-43294 ON-Bar was unable to get the backup record of logical log
from the storage manager.

The storage manager issued an error when finding a backup record
for the logical log.

For further information, contact the storage manager vendor
or GBase Technical Support.
有关更多信息,请与存储管理器供应商或 GBase 技术支持部门联系。

-43295 WARNING: BAR_TIMEOUT unable to initialize connection to Storage

The storage manager may not be running or there may be storage manager

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configuration problems.

Refer to the storage manager message log (or equivalent) for more information.
If the cause of the error is still unclear, contact your storage manager
Technical Support. If you are using the GBase 8s Storage Manager, contact
GBase Technical Support.
您的存储管理器技术支持联系。如果您正在使用 GBase 8s 存储管理器,请与 GBase 技

-43296 WARNING: BAR_TIMEOUT Storage Manager Progress may be stalled.

The current command has exceeded the BAR_TIMEOUT value. This may indicate
a normal transfer of a large data set or it may mean the storage manager
needs attention.
当前命令已超过 BAR_TIMEOUT 值。这可能表示大数据集的正常传输,也可能意味着存储

Check to make sure the storage manager is still running and that data is still
being transfered to/from the storage manager.
Refer to the storage manager message log (or equivalent) for more information.
If the cause of the error is still unclear, contact your storage manager
Technical Support. If you are using the GBase 8s Storage Manager, contact
GBase Technical Support.

GBase 8s 错误消息
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理技术支持联系。如果您正在使用 GBase 8s 存储管理器,请与 GBase 技术支持部门联

-43297 BAR_BSALIB_PATH in ONCONFIG is not an absolute pathname.

The absolute path of the XBSA library was not specified for the BAR_BSALIB_PATH
parameter in the ONCONFIG file.
未为 ONCONFIG 文件中的 BAR_BSALIB_PATH 参数指定 XBSA 库的绝对路径。

Modify the BAR_BSALIB_PATH parameter in the ONCONFIG file by specifying
the absolute path of the XBSA library.
请通过指定 XBSA 库的绝对路径来修改 ONCONFIG 文件中的 BAR_BSALIB_PATH 参数。

-43300 WARNING: BAR_TIMEOUT: The backup and restore filter program progress might
be stalled.

The current command has exceeded the amount of time specificed by
the BAR_TIMEOUT configuration parameter. This can indicate a slow
filter program, the transfer of a large data set, or it can mean
that the storage manager needs attention.
当前命令已超过 BAR_TIMEOUT 配置参数指定的时间量。这可以表示一个缓慢的过滤程

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Make sure the storage manager is still running and that data is still
being transfered to or from the storage manager.
Review the storage manager message log or the log file for the filter.
If the cause of the error is still unclear, contact your storage manager
or Technical Support for your filter. If you are using the GBase 8s
Storage Manager, contact GBase Support.
支持部门联系。如果您正在使用 GBase 8s 存储管理器,请与 GBase 技术支持部门联

-43303 Creating the backup and restore filter process
failed with error code .

ON-Bar attempted to create a filter process for running the configured
filter program. The process creation for execution of the filter
program failed with the given error code.
ON-Bar 试图创建用于运行配置的过滤程序的过滤进程。使用给定的错误代码,执行过滤


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Check that the BACKUP_FILTER and RESTORE_FILTER configuration parameters
are configured correctly in the onconfig file. If the cause of the
error is still unclear, contact Technical Support for your filter.
检查是否在 onconfig 文件中正确配置了 BACKUP_FILTER 和 RESTORE_FILTER 配置参

-43305 (copy ID ) not expired even though it
matches the expiration policy.

The named object matches the expiration policy named on the command line
with the -g, -i, or -t option. The object cannot be deleted, however, because
it is needed to allow the restore of another object that does not match the
expiration policy.
命名对象将命令行上命名的过期策略与 -g、-i 或 -t 选项匹配。但是,无法删除该对

This message is informational.

-43306 Whole system backup from not expired even though it
matches the expiration policy.

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The whole-system backup started at the described time matches the expiration
policy named on the command line. The backup cannot be deleted, however,
because it is needed to allow the restore of another whole-system backup that
does not match the expiration policy.

This message is informational.

-43307 Expired (copy ID ), backed up

The named object has been expired as requested.

-43308 Expired (copy ID ), backed up
; restore may not be possible.

The named object has been expired as requested. Normally onsmsync would not
have removed it, but the -O option was passed on the command line. If the
object is a storage space, ON-Bar cannot determine if it can restore that
space from remaining data in the sysutils database. If the object is a logical
log, ON-Bar cannot determine if any subsequent restore attempts will fail.

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命名对象已按请求过期。通常 onsmsync 不会删除它,但是 -O 选项是在命令行上传递
的。如果对象是存储空间,ON-Bar 无法确定它是否可以从 sysutils 数据库中的剩余数
据中恢复该空间。如果对象是逻辑日志,ON-Bar 无法确定后续的还原尝试是否会失败。

If the object can be re-created in the storage manager and you think you may
need to restore this object with ON-Bar, then follow the procedures for
re-creating the object in the storage manager. Then contact GBase Technical
Support for assistance.
如果可以在存储管理器中重新创建对象,并且您认为可能需要使用 ON-Bar 恢复该对象,
那么请遵循在存储管理器中重新创建对象的过程。然后,请与 GBase 技术支持部门联系

-43309 Expired whole system backup from ; restore may not be

The whole-system backup started at the described time has been expired as
requested. Normally onsmsync would not have removed it, but the -O option was
passed on the command line. ON-Bar cannot determine if it can restore from
the remaining data in the sysutils database.
在所述时间启动的整个系统备份已按要求过期。通常 onsmsync 不会删除它,但是 -O 选
项是在命令行上传递的。ON-Bar 无法确定它是否可以从 sysutils 数据库中的其余数据

If the objects in this whole-system backup can be re-created in the storage
manager and you think you may need them to restore with ON-Bar, then follow

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the procedures for re-creating them in the storage manager. Then contact
GBase Technical Support for assistance.
ON-Bar 进行恢复,那么请遵循在存储管理器中重新创建对象的过程。然后,请与 GBase

-43310 Could not update the sysutils database - run onsmsync -b when
the database server is quiescent or online.

Either a log salvage was run as a distinct step (onbar -b -l -s), ON-Bar
encountered an error cataloging an action but successfully updated the
emergency boot file, or onsmsync was run when the database server was
off-line or otherwise unavailable. Therefore the sysutils database is
inconsistent with the storage manager and emergency boot file.
无论是作为一个单独的步骤运行日志救助 (onbar -b -l -s),ON-Bar 在记录操作时遇到
错误,但成功地更新了紧急引导文件,或者在数据库服务器 off-line 或其他不可用时运
行 onsmsync。因此,sysutils 数据库与存储管理器和紧急引导文件不一致。

Bring the database server online (possibly including a physical and
logical restore) and run onsmsync -b.
请将数据库服务器联机(可能包括物理和逻辑恢复)并运行 onsmsync -b。

-43319 Exiting without expiring any backup object. All the storage spaces
met the expiration policy or storage spaces were not backed-up using ON-Bar.

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After applying the expiration policies specified by the -g option, the onsmsync
list of objects contains only logical logs. The list does not contain space
应用 -g 选项指定的过期策略后,对象的 onsmsync 列表仅包含逻辑日志。列表不包含空

Use the -t or -i option to expire logical log backups.
使用 -t 或 -i 选项可以使逻辑日志备份过期。

-43320 Begin backup verification of level for
(Storage Manager copy ID: ).

This message is an ON-Bar progress message.
这是一个 ON-Bar 进度信息。

-43321 percent of has been verified.

This message provides progress feedback for the backup verification as a
percentage of dbspace size.
此消息为备份验证提供进度反馈,作为 dbspace 大小的百分比。

-43322 Completed level backup verification successfully.

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This message is an ON-Bar progress message.
这是一个 ON-Bar 进度信息。

-43323 ERROR: Unable to create the physical check session:

This error occurs during backup verification.

Before you call Technical Support, examine the message log files for
the database server, ON-Bar, and archecker.
在致电技术支持之前,请检查数据库服务器、ON-Bar 和 archecker 的消息日志文件。

-43324 ERROR: Unable to open the physical check errtxt: .

This error occurs during backup verification. It indicates a problem running
the archecker process.
此错误发生在备份验证过程中。它表示运行 archecker 进程时出现问题。

Check permissions and disk space for the archecker temporary files. For
these file locations, see $GBS_HOME/etc/ac_config.std or
%GBS_HOME%\etc\ac_config.std. Before you call Technical
Support, examine the message log files for the database server,

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ON-Bar, and archecker.
$GBS_HOME/etc/ac_config.std 或 %GBS_HOME%\etc\ac_config.std。在致电技术
支持之前,请检查数据库服务器、ON-Bar 和 archecker 的消息日志文件。

-43325 ERROR: Unable to write the physical check errtxt: .

This error occurs during backup verification. It indicates a problem
running the archecker process.
此错误发生在备份验证过程中。它表示运行 archecker 进程时出现问题。

Check permissions and disk space for the archecker temporary files. For
these file locations, see $GBS_HOME/etc/ac_config.std or
%GBS_HOME%\etc\ac_config.std. Before you call Technical
Support, examine the message log files for the database server,
ON-Bar, and archecker.
$GBS_HOME/etc/ac_config.std 或 %GBS_HOME%\etc\ac_config.std。在致电技术
支持之前,请检查数据库服务器、ON-Bar 和 archecker 的消息日志文件。

-43326 ERROR: Unable to close the physical check errtxt: .

This error occurs during backup verification. It indicates either a problem
running the archecker process or a corrupt backup.

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此错误发生在备份验证过程中。它表示运行 archecker 进程或损坏备份的问题。

Check permissions and disk space for the archecker temporary files. For
these file locations, see $GBS_HOME/etc/ac_config.std or
%GBS_HOME%\etc\ac_config.std. Before you call Technical
Support, examine the message log files for the database server,
ON-Bar, and archecker.
$GBS_HOME/etc/ac_config.std 或 %GBS_HOME%\etc\ac_config.std。在致电技术
支持之前,请检查数据库服务器、ON-Bar 和 archecker 的消息日志文件。

-43328 Failure in archecker process execution status.

An error occurred during Level backup verification.

Check permissions and disk space for the archecker temporary files. For
these file locations, see $GBS_HOME/etc/ac_config.std or
%GBS_HOME%\etc\ac_config.std. Before you call Technical Support,
examine the message log files for the database server, ON-Bar, and archecker.
If the AC_CONFIG environment variable is not set and there is no ac_config.std
file in $GBS_HOME/etc or %GBS_HOME%\etc, then look at the msg.log file
generated by archecker in the directory where ON-Bar is executed.
$GBS_HOME/etc/ac_config.std 或 %GBS_HOME%\etc\ac_config.std。如果

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AC_CONFIG 环境变量未设置,并且 $GBS_HOME/etc 或 %GBS_HOME%\etc 中没有
ac_config.std 文件,则查看执行 ON-Bar 目录中的 archecker 生成的 msg.log 文件。

-43362 Begin displaying logical log . (Storage Manager copy ID:

This is an ON-Bar progress message.
这是一个 ON-Bar 进度信息。

-43363 Completed displaying logical log .

This is an ON-Bar progress message.
这是一个 ON-Bar 进度信息。

-43364 No logical logs to display.

You are trying to display one or more logical logs but none of those you
specified have been archived using ON-Bar or the emergency boot file
might be corrupted.
您正在尝试显示一个或多个逻辑日志,但您指定的日志中没有一个已使用 ON-Bar 存档,

Make sure that the emergency boot file has the log backup information.

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-43365 Unable to display logical log : .

There could be a problem in constructing a block of log records
which shall be displayed using the callback function. The logical
log file you are displaying may be corrupted.

-43373 Sysutils database will be updated when server exits fast recovery.

ON-Bar tries to update the sysutils database while the database server
is in fast recovery. When the database server exits fast recovery, the
sysutils database is updated.
在数据库服务器处于快速恢复状态时,ON-Bar 尝试更新 sysutils 数据库。当数据库服
务器退出快速恢复时,sysutils 数据库将被更新。

Place the database server in quiescent or online mode, then run the
onsmsync -b command. This command generates the emergency boot file.
将数据库服务器置于静止或在线模式下,然后运行 onsmsync -b 命令。此命令生成紧急

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-43376 Unable to convert datetime to string: .

The date string could not be interpreted because the format
used did not match the format expected by ON-Bar.
无法解释日期字符串,因为所使用的格式与 ON-Bar 预期的格式不匹配。

Check for the values of environment variables related to internationalization
or localization (such as CLIENT_LOCALE and GL_DATETIME). If the environment
is set for localization, then make sure the date specified matches the local
format for dates. If no appropriate environment variables are set, then make
sure the date was specified in the standard SQL date format.
检查与国际化或本地化相关的环境变量的值(如 CLIENT_LOCALE 和 GL_DATETIME)。如果
量,则确保日期是以标准 SQL Date 格式指定的。

-43380 Deadlock detected. Wait a few seconds for the lock to clear and try

Two processes attempted to lock the same sysutils database table or row at
the same time resulting in a deadlock.
两个进程试图同时锁定相同的 sysutils 数据库表或行,导致死锁。

Wait a few seconds for the other process to complete and release the lock
and try again.

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-43381 The logical logs are full. ON-Bar might encounter errors writing
to the sysutils database.

The logical logs were filled while ON-Bar was running. ON-Bar performs
database transactions when it writes a record of what it has done
to the ON-Bar catalogs in the sysutils database. Therefore, the
work performed by the current ON-Bar process is not recorded in
the sysutils database. However, it is recorded in the emergency
boot file.
逻辑日志是在 ON-Bar 运行时填写的.在将对 sysutils 数据库中的 ON-Bar 目录所做操
作的记录写入时,ON-Bar 执行数据库事务。因此,在 sysutils 数据库中没有记录当前

If by the end of the backup or restore, the object still was not cataloged,
use onsmsync to update the data.
如果到备份或还原结束时,对象仍未编目,则使用 onsmsync 更新数据。

-43385 Restoring even though it is online.

ON-Bar by default does not restore spaces if they are online.
To get this message, the -O option must have been used on the
onbar command line to override internal checks.
缺省情况下,如果空间处于 online 状态,则 ON-Bar不进行还原。要获得此消息,必须

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在 onbar 命令行上使用 -O 选项来覆盖内部检查。

No action is necessary. ON-Bar will restore the space.

-43388 The maximum allowed number of storage spaces per ON-Bar command has
been exceeded.

There is a limit to how many storage spaces ON-Bar may process in a whole
system backup or restore. This number varies from platform to platform.
Non-whole system backup or restore does not have such a limit.
在一个完整的系统备份或还原中,ON-Bar 的存储空间可以处理多少,这是有限制的。这

If possible, retry the backup or restore without the whole system option.
If a whole system restore is required, consider reducing the number of
storage spaces in your installation.

-43389 does not have a level backup.
A level backup will be performed by default.

An incremental backup requires that a backup of the previous level exists.

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For example, there must be at least one level 0 backup of the object before
a level 1 backup of it may be performed. Both a level 0 and a level 1
backup must exist before a level 2 backup may be performed.
增量备份要求存在上一级的备份。例如,在执行对象的 1 级备份之前,必须至少有一个
0 级备份。在执行 2 级备份之前,必须同时存在 0 级和 1 级备份。

-43391 Skipped backup/restore of space .

The specified storage space was a temporary space, the space was online,
or it is the root dbspace and the database server is in Fast Recovery
mode and does not need a restore.
指定的存储空间是临时空间,空间是 online 的,或者是 root dbspace,数据库服务器

No corrective action is necessary.

-43392 One or more BLOBspaces are down. Log backup has been aborted.

A BLOBspace is down. Backing up or salvaging the logical logs would
make it impossible to restore this BLOB in the future.
一个 BLOBspace 关闭了。备份或挽救逻辑日志将使将来无法恢复这个 BLOB。

Bring all BLOBspaces online and retry the logical log backup or salvage.

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将所有 BLOBspaces online 并重新尝试逻辑日志备份或救助。

-43393 Storage space is down and cannot be backed up.

Only storage spaces that are online can be backed up.
只能备份 online 存储空间。

Bring the storage space online and attempt the backup again.
请将存储空间 online 并再次尝试备份。

-43394 Storage space is not down so it will not be restored.

Only storage spaces that are off-line need to be restored. This storage space
will not be restored, but restore of any other storage spaces will be
只需要恢复 off-line 的存储空间。将不会还原此存储空间,但将尝试还原任何其他存储

-43395 A log backup is already running. Can't start another.

This occurs when several onbar processes try to back up the logical
logs at the same time. One of the causes might be that the program
defined by the ALARMPROGRAM parameter in your ONCONFIG file calls

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onbar to do log backups and is executed by the database server while another
onbar process is also trying to perform a log backup. Another possible
cause is that multiple onbar command-line calls were made to perform
restores, and they are interfering with each other.
当多个 onbar 进程试图同时备份逻辑日志时,就会发生这种情况。原因之一可能是
ONCONFIG 文件中由 ALARMPROGRAM 参数定义的程序调用 onbar 进行日志备份,并由数据
库服务器执行,而另一个 onbar 进程也试图执行日志备份。另一个可能的原因是进行了
多个 onbar 命令行调用来执行还原,并且它们相互干扰。

No action is required. The first log backup that is started will
back up all of the used log files.

-43399 ERROR: No response was received from the database server.
Aborting ON-Bar.

There was no response from the database server. The database server
may not be running properly and may have a problem.


Determine what is wrong with the database server, repair it, and
retry the backup or restore.

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-43400 ondblog usage.

ondblog [-f ] []

new mode:

buf - Change database to buffered mode.
unbuf - Change database to unbuffered mode.
nolog - Change database to no logging.
(not in AD/XP)
ansi - Change database to be ANSI-compliant
cancel - Cancel logging request.

-f File containing list of databases for logging change.
-f 包含用于记录更改的数据库列表的文件。

List of databases for logging change.

This message displays after an incorrect entry of the ondblog command.
此消息在 ondblog 命令输入错误后显示。

Revise the command and try again.

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-43402 ERROR: Invalid serial number. Consult your installation

The serial number for ondblog is invalid.
ondblog 的序列号无效。

Ask your System Administrator to re-install ondblog.
请系统管理员重新安装 ondblog。

-43421 Logging mode is not available in this edition of the
database server.

The named logging mode is available in some but not all versions of
GBase 8s database servers.
命名日志模式在某些版本的 GBase 8s 数据库服务器中是可用的,但不是所有版本。

Find an appropriate logging mode that is available. Check the release
notes or your Administrators Guide for supported logging modes.

For GBase 8s Extended Parallel Server or GBase 8s Dynamic Server with
Advanced Decision Support and Extended Parallel options, if you are trying
to turn off logging for a database, try to convert all the tables in that
database to one of the nonlogged table types.

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对于具有高级决策支持和扩展并行选项的 GBase 8s Extended Parally Server 或 GBase
8s Dynamic Server,如果您试图关闭数据库的日志记录,请尝试将该数据库中的所有表

-46007 Cannot perform Java-to-SQL type mapping for type ().

This error can occur if you use the SQL data type, such as FLOAT, in the
EXTERNAL NAME clause of the CREATE FUNCTION statement.

Use the Java data type, not the SQL data type, in the EXTERNAL NAME
在 EXTERNAL NAME 子句中使用 Java 数据类型,而不是 SQL 数据类型。

-46103 Error loading Java UDR class (). Verify
the three part name () of the installed jar
with the jar file name is in your JAR_TEMP_PATH or /tmp directory.

A possible cause of this error is using "thisjar" instead of using
the jar ID in the deploy.txt file.
造成此错误的一个可能原因是使用“thisjar”,而不是在 deploy.txt 文件中使用 jar

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-47086 Cannot specify current as default value with non-datetime column type.

You cannot assign a default value consisting of the current time from
the system clock when the column data type is not DATETIME. Modify the
column data type to DATETIME (if permitted), or specify a different
default value for the column.
如果列数据类型不是 DATETIME,则不能从系统时钟分配由当前时间组成的缺省值。将列
数据类型修改为 DATETIME (如果允许的话),或为该列指定不同的缺省值。

-47087 Cannot specify null default value when column doesn't accept nulls.

Select a different (nonnull) default value for the column, or modify
the column to accept null values.

-47088 Cannot specify server or site as a default value with this column type.

You cannot specify a default value that consists of the current
database server name or current site name for a column that is not a
CHAR, NCHAR, VARCHAR, or NVARCHAR data type. Change the column data
type (if permitted), or specify a different default value.
不能为非 CHAR、NCHAR、VARCHAR 或 NVARCHAR 数据类型的列指定由当前数据库服务器名

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-47089 Cannot specify server or site as a default value with this column

For specifying a default value that consists of the current database server
name or current site name for a CHAR, NCHAR, VARCHAR, or NVARCHAR column,
the minimum column length must be 18. Increase the column length, or specify
a different default value.
若要为 CHAR、NCHAR、VARCHAR 或 NVARCHAR 列指定由当前数据库服务器名称或当前站点
名称组成的缺省值,则最小列长度必须为 18。增加列长度,或指定不同的缺省值。

-47090 Cannot specify today as a default value with this column type.

You cannot specify a default value that consists of the current system
date for a column when the column data type is not DATE. Change the
column data type (if permitted), or specify a different default value.
当列数据类型不是 DATE 时,不能指定由列的当前系统日期组成的缺省值。更改列数据类

-47091 Cannot specify user as a default value with this column type.

You cannot specify a default value that consists of the login name of

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the current user for a column that is not a CHAR, NCHAR, VARCHAR, or
NVARCHAR data type. Change the column data type (if permitted), or
specify a different default value.
不能为非 CHAR、NCHAR、VARCHAR 或 NVARCHAR 数据类型的列指定由当前用户的登录名组

-47092 Cannot specify user as a default value with this column length.

In order to specify a default value that consists of the login name of
the current user for a CHAR, NCHAR, VARCHAR, or NVARCHAR column, the
minimum column length must be 8. Increase the column length, or specify
a different default value.
为了指定由 CHAR、NCHAR、VARCHAR 或 NVARCHAR 列的当前用户的登录名组成的缺省值,
最小列长度必须为 8 。增加列长度,或指定不同的缺省值。

-47093 Cannot create unique or primary key constraint with column type of

In order to create a primary or unique constraint on the column, change
the column data type from TEXT or BYTE, if permitted.
为了在列上创建主约束或唯一约束,如果允许,请将列数据类型从 TEXT 或 BYTE 更改。

-47095 Column not found in referenced table.

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You cannot create a foreign-key constraint on a column that does not
exist in the referenced table. Specify a different referencing or
referenced column for the constraint.

-47098 Number of columns in composite list exceeds maximum.

You cannot include more than 16 column names in a single primary or
unique constraint on GBase 8s Dynamic Server, GBase 8s Universal
Server, or GBase 8s OnLine Dynamic Server, or 8 column
names in one primary or unique constraint on GBase 8s SE. Reduce the number
of columns that are specified in the constraint definition.
在 GBase 8s Dynamic Server、GBase 8s Universal Server 或 GBase 8s Online
Dynamic Server 上的单个主约束或唯一约束中,不能包含超过 16 个列名,也不能在
GBase 8s SE 上的一个主约束或唯一约束中包含8个列名。减少约束定义中指定的列数。

-47099 You cannot modify an existing constraint.

You cannot use the ALTER TABLE menu options to modify an existing
constraint. An asterisk preceding the name identifies existing
不能使用 ALTER TABLE 菜单选项修改现有约束。名称前面的星号标识现有约束。

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-47100 Column not in this table.

You cannot create a constraint on a column that does not exist in the

-47101 To drop an existing constraint, the current field must be constraint

The cursor is in the wrong field on the screen. Move the cursor to
highlight an entry in the Constraint Name field to drop all columns
that are associated with a primary key, check, or unique constraint.
Highlight the Constraint field to drop all columns that are associated
with a foreign-key constraint.
键、CHECK 或唯一约束关联的所有列。突出显示约束字段以删除与外键约束关联的所有

-47102 You have exceeded the temporary buffer size.

The buffer in the SQL editor, which holds the check-constraint value
and the literal default-constraint value, is full. If you are modifying
the check constraint, a different editor might have a larger buffer.

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SQL 编辑器中的缓冲区(包含检查约束值和文字默认约束值)已满。如果要修改 CHECK

-47104 The fill factor percentage must be a positive integer not exceeding 100.

You tried to specify a fill factor percentage that is a negative number
or is greater than 100 percent. Specify a different percentage, or
press RETURN to accept the default value of 90 percent.
“返回”以接受 90% 的默认值。

-47105 Dbspace has already been selected as part of the strategy.

You cannot use the same dbspace more than once in a fragmentation
strategy. The dbspace you selected is already part of the strategy.
Select another dbspace from the current list.
在分片策略中,不能多次使用同一个 dbspace。您选择的 dbspace 已经是策略的一部
分。从当前列表中选择另一个 dbspace。

-47106 Table has already been selected as part of the attaching strategy.

A table can be attached to a fragmentation strategy only once. The
table that you selected is already part of the fragmentation strategy.

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Select another table from the current list.

-47107 An Alter Table option has already been altered.

You can execute only one menu option in an ALTER FRAGMENT menu session,
and it cannot be applied to the current strategy more than once. For
example, you can add only one dbspace to a round-robin strategy, and
you cannot delete a dbspace during the same ALTER TABLE session.
您只能在 ALTER FRAGMENT 菜单会话中执行一个菜单选项,并且它不能应用于当前策略不
止一次。例如,只能向循环策略添加一个 dbspace,并且不能在同一个 ALTER TABLE 会
话期间删除 dbspace。

-47108 Dbspace is not part of the current strategy.

You have specified a dbspace that is not part of the current
fragmentation strategy. Select a dbspace from the list of available
dbspaces that is displayed on the screen.
您已经指定了不属于当前分片策略的 dbspace。从屏幕上显示的可用 dbspace列表中选
择 dbspace。

-47109 A Dbspace is required if a position is defined.

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You have specified a dbspace as part of your attaching table strategy.
This action indicates that you wish to position the attaching table
before or after a dbspace that is part of the fragmentation strategy
being attached to. You must define a before or after position.
您已经指定了一个 dbspace 作为附加表策略的一部分。此操作表示希望在附加到的分片
策略的一部分 dbspace 之前或之后放置附加表。必须定义“前”或“后”位置。

-47111 ALTER currently not supported for this strategy.

The fragmentation strategy you have chosen does not currently support
ALTER FRAGMENT operations.
您所选择的分片策略目前不支持 ALTER FRAGMENT 操作。

If that fragmentation strategy is a design requirement of your application,
consider creating a new table that uses the strategy, and then loading
existing data into the new table whose fragmentation strategy matches
your requirements.

-47112 Must choose a fragmentation key.

You have not chosen a fragmentation key for the current fragmentation

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You must mark one of the table columns as selected, from the Fragment-key
menu of the dbaccess utility.
必须从 dbaccess 实用程序的分片键菜单中将其中一个表列标记为选定的列。

-47113 Must write an interval value expression.

You have not written an interval value expression for the fragmentation
strategy. Interval fragmentation requires that you choose an interval
value appropriate for the fragmentation key.


For example, with a fragment key of type DATE, valid interval values are:
例如,对于类型为 DATE 的分片键,有效的间隔值是:


YYYY = years
MM = months

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DD = days

For fragment keys of INTEGER, and other numeric types, the interval value
must be a constant expression that evaluates to the same type as the fragment key.

对于 INTEGER 的分片键和其他数字类型,区间值必须是与分片键相同类型的常量表达

For example, with a fragment key of INTEGER TYPE, some valid interval values are:
例如,对于 INTEGER TYPE 的分片键,一些有效的间隔值是:


-47114 Must specify at least one partition.

You must have at least one partition for data storage using the selected
fragmentation strategy.

Within a given dbspace, each partition name that you declare must be unique
among the names of partitions of the same table or index.
在给定的 dbspace 中,您声明的每个分区名称在同一表或索引的分区名称之间必须是唯

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-47115 Missing name from a partition.

You have omitted the name of one of the partitions in the fragmentation strategy.

Within a given dbspace, each partition name that you declare must be unique
among the names of partitions of the same table or index.
在给定的 dbspace 中,您声明的每个分区名称在同一表或索引的分区名称之间必须是唯

-47116 Missing expression from a partition.

You have omitted the partition expression from one of the partitions in the
fragmentation strategy.

1. For Interval fragmentation, valid partition expressions are of the form:
1. 对于区间分片,有效的分区表达式的形式如下:

a. VALUES < {transition}

The transition value, depends on the interval value, and the data type of
the fragment key.

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For example, with fragment key of DATE type, and an interval value of
INTERVAL(1-3) YEAR TO MONTH, some valid partition expressions are:
例如,使用 DATE 类型的分片键和 INTERVAL(1-3) YEAR TO MONTH 的间隔值,一些有



This form is used to specify the NULL partition. You can only have
one NULL partition in a fragmentation strategy.

2. For List fragmentation, valid partition expressions are of the form:
2. 对于列表分片,有效的分区表达式的形式如下:

a. VALUES ({constant, ...})

The constant value must be valid for the data type of the fragment key.

For example, with a fragment key of CHAR(20) type, some valid partition
expressions are:
例如,使用 Char(20) 类型的分片键,一些有效的分区表达式是:

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VALUES ("FL", "CA", "NY", "NJ")
VALUES ("OH", "MD", "MI")


This form is used to specify the REMAINDER partition. There can only
be one REMAINDER partition, and it must be the last partition in
the partition list.
此表单用于指定 REMAINDER 分区。只能有一个 REMAINDER 分区,它必须是分区列表

-47117 Missing dbspace name from a partition.

You have omitted the dbspace name from one of the partitions in the
fragmentation strategy.
您忽略了分片策略中的一个分区中的 dbspace 名称。

-55900 Missing option list.

You specified a processor command-line option of -cc, -l, or -r and
terminated the option incorrectly. For information on how command-line
graphics terminate these options, see "Command-Line Conventions" on

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page 6 of the Introduction or online help.
您指定了处理器命令行选项 -cc、-l 或 -r,并错误地终止了该选项。有关命令行图形如
何终止这些选项的信息,请参阅导言第 6 页中的“命令行约定”或联机帮助。

-55901 Unrecognized sub-option (option_name).

Text (option_name) following a colon (:) was not a valid suboption. For
information on which suboptions are valid with the option, see the
online help.

-55902 Incompatible file extension (file_extension) in option list.

For ESQL/C: You specified a processor command-line option of -cc -l,
or -r and terminated the option with an incorrect file extension. For
information on how command-line graphics terminate these options, see
the GBase 8s ESQL/C Programmer's Supplement for Microsoft Windows
Environments or online help.
对于 ESQL/C:您指定了处理器命令行选项 -cc -l 或 -r,并以不正确的文件扩展名终止
了该选项。有关命令行图形如何终止这些选项的信息,请参阅 GBase 8s ESQL/C
程序员对 Microsoft Windows 环境的补充说明或联机帮助。

For ESQL/COBOL: You specified a processor command-line option of -cb,

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-l, or -r and terminated the option with an incorrect file extension.
For information on how command-line graphics terminate these options,
see the GBase 8s ESQL/COBOL Programmer's Supplement for Microsoft
Windows Environments or online help.
对于 ESQL/COBOL:您指定了处理器命令行选项 -cb、-l 或 -r,并以不正确的文件扩展
名终止了该选项。有关命令行图形如何终止这些选项的信息,请参阅 GBase 8s ESQL/C
程序员对 Microsoft Windows 环境的补充说明或联机帮助。

-55903 Processor type option conflict.

You specified more than one CPU-type command-line option (for example,
-cpu:i386 and -pm) that identifies the CPU type. Enter the esql command
again without the conflicting options.
您指定了多个用于标识 CPU-类型的命令行选项(例如 -cpu:i386 和 -pm)。再次输入
esql 命令,不要使用相互冲突的选项。

-55904 Error in spawned program.

For ESQL/C: The esql command processor created a program (compiler,
linker, or resource compiler) that returned an error and caused esql to
terminate. Check the generated output to determine the error, resolve
the error, and run the esql command processor again.
对于 ESQL/C:esql 命令处理器创建了一个返回错误并导致 esql 终止的程序(编译器、
链接器或资源编译器)。检查生成的输出以确定错误,解决错误,并再次运行 esql 命令

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For ESQL/COBOL: The esqlcobo command processor created a program
(compiler, linker, or resource compiler) that returned an error and
caused esqlcobo to terminate. Check the generated output to determine
the error, resolve the error, and run the esqlcobo command processor
对于 ESQL/COBOL:esqlcobo 命令处理器创建了一个返回错误并导致 esqlcobo 终止的程
esqlcobo 命令处理器。

-55905 Illegal character in filename, `file_name'.

The file file_name contains one or more invalid characters.
文件 file_name 包含一个或多个无效字符。

-55906 Run-time option conflict.

For ESQL/C: You specified more than one runtime option (for example,
-runtime:libc and -rt:d). Enter the esql command again without the
conflicting options.
对于 ESQL/C:您指定了多个运行时选项(例如,-runtime:libc 和 -rt:d)。再次输入
esql 命令,不要使用冲突的选项。

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For ESQL/COBOL: You specified more than one runtime option (for
example, -runtime:mfrts32 and -rt:s). Enter the esqlcobo command again
without the conflicting options.
对于 ESQL/COBOL:您指定了多个运行时选项(例如, -runtime:mfrts32 和 -rt:s)。再
次输入 esqlcobo 命令,不要使用相互冲突的选项。

-55907 Subsystem option conflict.

For ESQL/C: You specified more than one subsystem option (for example,
-ss:c and -S:w). Enter the esql command again without the conflicting
对于 ESQL/C:您指定了多个子系统选项(例如 -ss:c 和 -S:w)。再次输入 esql 命令,

For ESQL/COBOL: You specified more than one subsystem option (for
example, -ss:c and -Sw). Enter the esqlcobo command again without the
conflicting options.
对于 ESQL/COBOL:您指定了多个子系统选项(例如 -ss:c 和 -Sw)。再次输入 esqlcobo

-55909 I/O error in file (file_name).

An I/O error occurred in the file file_name. Probably no space is
available. Increase available space and enter the command again.

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文件 file_name 中发生 I/O 错误。可能没有空间了。增加可用空间并再次输入命令。

-55910 Option (option_name) is no longer supported.

For ESQL/C: This release does not support the specified command-line
option. For valid options, check the GBase 8s ESQL/C Programmer's
Supplement for Microsoft Windows Environments.
对于 ESQL/C:此版本不支持指定的命令行选项。要获得有效的选项,请查看 GBase 8s
ESQL/C Programmer's Supplement for Microsoft Windows Environments。

For ESQL/COBOL: This release does not support the specified
command-line option. For valid options, check the GBase 8s ESQL/COBOL
Programmer's Supplement for Microsoft Windows Environments.
对于 ESQL/COBOL:此版本不支持指定的命令行选项。要获得有效的选项,请查看GBase
8s ESQL/COBOL Programmer's Supplement for Microsoft Windows Environments。

-55911 Unable to open the log file.

For ESQL/C: Unable to open the ESQL/C preprocessor log file. Probably
no space is available. Increase available space and enter the command
对于 ESQL/C:无法打开 ESQL/C 预处理程序日志文件。可能没有空间了。增加可用空间

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For ESQL/COBOL: Unable to open the ESQL/COBOL preprocessor log file.
Probably no space is available. Increase available space and enter the
command again.
对于 ESQL/COBOL:无法打开 ESQL/COBOL 预处理程序日志文件。可能没有空间了。增加

-55912 Incompatible file extension for -e option.

For ESQL/C: You specified the -e command-line option but did not
specify an ESQL/C source file (.ec file extension). Enter the command
again, specifying the name of the .ec file.
对于 ESQL/C:您指定了 -e 命令行选项,但没有指定 ESQL/C 源文件(.ec 文件扩展
名)。再次输入命令,指定 .ec 文件的名称。

For ESQL/COBOL: You specified the -e command-line option but did not
specify an ESQL/COBOL source file (.eco file extension). Enter the
command again, specifying the name of the .eco file.
对于 ESQL/COBOL:您指定了 -e 命令行选项,但没有指定 ESQL/COBOL 源文件(.eco 文
件扩展名)。再次输入命令,指定 .eco 文件的名称。

-55913 Missing target filename for `-o' option.

You specified the -o command-line option but did not specify an output
file. Enter the command again, specifying the filename of the output

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您指定了 -o 命令行选项,但没有指定输出文件。再次输入命令,指定输出文件的文件

-55914 Incompatible file extension for `-c' option.

You specified the -c command-line option but specified an incompatible
file extension. Enter the command again, specifying the name of the
file with a compatible file extension.
您指定了 -c 命令行选项,但指定了不兼容的文件扩展名。再次输入命令,指定具有兼容

-55915 Missing name of log file for `-log' option.

You specified the -log command-line option but omitted a filename for
the log file. Enter the command again, specifying the name of the log
您指定了 -log 命令行选项,但忽略了日志文件的文件名。再次输入命令,指定日志文件

-55917 Compiler option conflict.

You specified more than one command-line option that identifies the

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compiler type (for example, -mc and -bc). Enter the esql command again
without the conflicting option.
您指定了多个命令行选项来标识编译器类型(例如 -mc 和 -bc)。再次输入 esql 命令,

-55918 Missing name of source file list file for '-f' option.

For ESQL/C: You specified the -f command-line option but omitted a
filename for the list of ESQL/C source files. Enter the command again,
specifying the name of the list file.
对于 SQL/C:您指定了 -f 命令行选项,但省略了 ESQL/C 源文件列表的文件名。再次输

For ESQL/COBOL: You specified the -f command-line option but omitted a
filename for the list of ESQL/COBOL source files. Enter the esqlcobo
command again, specifying the name of the list file.
对于 ESQL/COBOL:您指定了 -f 命令行选项,但省略了 ESQL/COBOL 源文件列表的文件
名。再次输入 esqlcobo 命令,指定列表文件的名称。

-55919 Application type option conflict.

For ESQL/C: You specified more than one application type option (for

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example, -wd and -target:exe). Enter the esql command again without the
conflicting options.
对于 ESQL/C:您指定了多个应用程序类型选项(例如 -wd 和 -target:exe)。再次输入
esql 命令,不要使用冲突的选项。

For ESQL/COBOL: You specified more than one application type option
(for example, -wd and -target:exe). Enter the esqlcobo command again
without the conflicting options.
对于 ESQL/COBOL:您指定了多个应用程序类型选项(例如 -wd 和 -target:exe)。再次输
入 esqlcobo 命令,不要使用相互冲突的选项。

-55920 Cannot open ESQL response file 'file_name'.

For ESQL/C: The esql command processor cannot open the specified ESQL
command-line response file. Verify that the name of the file after the
'@' option exists.
对于 ESQL/C:esql 命令处理器无法打开指定的 ESQL 命令行响应文件。验证“@”选项

For ESQL/COBOL: The esqlcobo command processor cannot open the
specified ESQLCOBO command-line response file. Verify that the name of
the file after the `@' option exists.
对于 ESQL/COBOL:esqlcobo 命令处理器无法打开指定的 ESQLCOBO 命令行响应文件。验

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-55921 Unable to allocate memory.

For ESQL/C: ESQL cannot allocate memory. Terminate one or more
applications and enter the command again.
对于 ESQL/C:ESQL 不能分配内存。终止一个或多个应用程序并再次输入命令。

For ESQL/COBOL: ESQL/COBOL cannot allocate memory. Terminate one or
more applications and enter the command again.
对于 ESQL/COBOL:ESQL/COBOL 无法分配内存。终止一个或多个应用程序并再次输入命

-55922 Preprocessor detected errors.

For ESQL/C: The ESQL/C preprocessor detected one or more errors,
causing the processor to stop. Correct the errors and rerun.
对于 ESQL/C:ESQL/C 预处理器检测到一个或多个错误,导致处理器停止。纠正错误并重

For ESQL/COBOL: The ESQL/COBOL preprocessor detected one or more
errors, causing the esqlcobo command processor to stop. Correct the
errors and rerun.
对于 ESQL/C:ESQL/COBOL预处理器检测到一个或多个错误,导致 esqlcobo 命令处理器

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-55923 No source or object file.

You did not specify the name of a source or the program object file. No
files could be passed to the linker. Enter the command again,
specifying the name of the file to pass to the linker.

-55925 Cannot open file 'file_name'.

For ESQL/C: The esql command processor could not open the specified
file. If you specified the -f option, check that the source list file
exists. If -f was omitted, this error indicates that the processor
cannot find the necessary space to create some file.
对于 ESQL/C:esql 命令处理器无法打开指定的文件。如果指定了 -f 选项,请检查源列
表文件是否存在。如果省略了 -f,则此错误表示处理器无法找到创建某个文件所需的空

For ESQL/COBOL: The esqlcobo command processor could not open the
specified file. If you specified the -f option, check that the source
list file exists. If -f was omitted, this error indicates that the
processor cannot find the necessary space to create some file.
对于 ESQL/COBOL:esqlcobo 命令处理器无法打开指定的文件。如果指定了 -f 选项,请
检查源列表文件是否存在。如果省略了 -f,则此错误表示处理器无法找到创建某个文件

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-55926 Unable to spawn the compiler.

For ESQL/C: The esql command processor cannot start the compiler. Make
sure the directory that contains your C compiler is included in the
PATH environment variable.
对于 ESQL/C:esql 命令处理器无法启动编译器。确保包含 C 编译器的目录包含在 PATH

For ESQL/COBOL: The esqlcobo command processor cannot start the
compiler. Make sure the directory that contains your COBOL compiler is
included in the PATH environment variable.
对于 ESQL/COBOL:esqlcobo 命令处理器无法启动编译器。确保包含 COBOL 编译器的目
录包含在 PATH 环境变量中。

-55927 Unable to spawn the linker.

For ESQL/C: The esql command processor cannot start the linker. Make
sure the directory that contains your linker is included in the PATH
environment variable.
对于 ESQL/C:esql 命令处理器无法启动链接器。确保包含链接器的目录包含在 PATH 环

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For ESQL/COBOL: The esqlcobo command processor cannot start the
linker. Make sure that the directory containing your linker is
included in the PATH environment variable.
对于 ESQL/COBOL:esqlcobo 命令处理器无法启动链接器。确保包含链接器的目录包含在
PATH 环境变量中。

-55928 Unable to spawn the resource compiler.

For ESQL/C: The esql command processor cannot start the resource
compiler. Make sure the directory that contains your resource compiler
is included in the PATH environment variable.
对于 ESQL/C:esql 命令处理器无法启动资源编译器。确保包含资源编译器的目录包含在
PATH 环境变量中。

For ESQL/COBOL: The esqlcobo command processor cannot start the
resource compiler. Make sure the directory that contains your resource
compiler is included in the PATH environment variable.
对于 ESQL/COBOL:esqlcobo 命令处理器无法启动资源编译器。确保包含资源编译器的目
录包含在 PATH 环境变量中。

-55929 Missing ESQL response file.

For ESQL/C: The esql command processor cannot locate the ESQL
command-line response file (specified after the '@'). Verify that the

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filename is correct.
对于 ESQL/C:esql 命令处理器无法定位 ESQL 命令行响应文件(在“@”之后指定)。验

For ESQL/COBOL: The esqlcobo command processor cannot locate the
ESQLCOBO command-line response file (specified after the `@'). Verify
that the filename is correct.
对于 ESQL/COBOL:esqlcobo 命令处理器无法定位 ESQLCOBO 命令行响应文件(在`@‘之

-55930 Too many parameters specified.

You exceeded the maximum number of parameters for the preprocessor,
compiler, linker (linker options or list of libraries), or resource
compiler. Reduce the number of parameters and run the command again.

-55931 No source file provided.

For ESQL/C: You have not provided the name of an ESQL/C source file.
Possibly you specified the -e option (preprocess only) and omitted the
name of an ESQL/C source file (.ec file extension). Possibly you
specified the -c option (preprocess and compile only) and omitted the

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name of an ESQL/C source file (.ec) or C source file (.c).
对于 ESQL/C:您没有提供 ESQL/C 源文件的名称。可能您指定了 -e 选项(仅预处理)并
省略了 ESQL/C 源文件的名称(.ec文件扩展名)。可能您指定了 -c 选项(仅用于预处理和
编译),并省略了 ESQL/C 源文件(.ec)或 C 源文件(.C)的名称。

For ESQL/COBOL: You have not provided the name of an ESQL/COBOL source
file. Possibly you specified the -e option (preprocess only) and
omitted the name of an ESQL/COBOL source file (.eco file extension).
Possibly you specified the -c option (preprocess and compile only) and
omitted the name of an ESQL/COBOL source file (.eco) or COBOL source
file (.cbl).
对于 ESQL/COBOL:您没有提供 ESQL/COBOL 源文件的名称。可能您指定了 -e 选项(仅预
处理)并省略了 ESQL/COBOL 源文件的名称 (.eco文件扩展名)。可能您指定了 -c 选项
(仅用于预处理和编译),并省略了 ESQL/COBOL 源文件(.ECO)或 COBOL 源文件(.cbl)的

-55932 File_name has incompatible file format.

The command-line response file file_name is too large. Decrease its
size and run the command again.
命令行响应文件 file_name 太大了。缩小其大小并再次运行该命令。

-55933 esql: error error_num: Multibyte filter detected error.

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The ESQL/C multibyte filter has encountered one of the following
ESQL/C 多字节过滤器遇到下列情况之一:

-Unable to initialize GLS library routines
-无法初始化 GLS 库例程

-Unable to write to the source (.c) file when it renames the file

-Unable to write to the output file

-Some other I/O error

Check the file permissions on the directory that contains your ESQL/C
source file to ensure that you have read and write permission. Also
check the file permissions on the ESQL/C source file itself to ensure
that you have read and write permission.
检查包含 ESQL/C 源文件的目录上的文件权限,以确保您具有读写权限。还检查 ESQL/C

-73002 Cannot issue a SQL statement in the secondary thread.

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You need to define the user-defined routine as variant.

-73003 An invalid argument is specified.

Either the return type buffer is empty or the length of the buffer is
not valid.

-73018 Unsupported data type.

Check the file permissions on the directory that contains your ESQL/C
source file to ensure you have read and write permission. Also check
the file permissions on the ESQL/C source file itself to ensure you
have read and write permission.
检查包含 ESQL/C 源文件的目录上的文件权限,以确保您具有读写权限。还要检查
ESQL/C 源文件本身的文件权限,以确保您具有读写权限。

-79700 Method not supported.

GBase 8s JDBC Driver does not support this JDBC method.
GBase 8s JDBC 驱动程序不支持此 JDBC 方法。

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-79701 Blob not found

The GBase 8s JDBC Driver encountered an exception during the
access of BLOB. With JDK 1.4 and above, the initial exception is available
through the cause facility of java.lang.Throwable.
GBase 8s JDBC 驱动程序在访问 BLOB 期间遇到异常。在 JDK 1.4 和更高版本中,初始
异常可以通过 java.lang.Throwable 的原因工具获得。

-79702 Can't create new object

The software could not allocate memory for a new String object.

-79703 Row/column index out of range

The row or column index is out of range. Compare the index to the
number of rows and columns expected from the query to ensure that it
is within range.

-79704 Can't load driver

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GBase 8s JDBC Driver could not create an instance of itself and
register it in the DriverManager class. The rest of the SQLException
text describes what failed.
GBase 8s JDBC 驱动程序无法创建自身的实例并将其注册到 DriverManager 类
中。SQLException 文本的其余部分描述了失败的原因。

-79705 Incorrect URL format

The database URL you have submitted is invalid. GBase 8s JDBC Driver
does not recognize the syntax. Check the syntax and try again.
您提交的数据库 URL 无效。GBase 8s JDBC 驱动程序不识别语法。检查语法,然后再试

-79706 Incomplete input

An invalid character was found during conversion of a String value to
an IntervalDF or IntervalYM object. For correct values, see the GBase 8s JDBC
Driver Programmer's Guide.
在将 String 值转换为 IntervalDF 或 IntervalYM 对象时发现无效字符。有关正确的
值,请参阅 GBase 8s JDBC 驱动程序员指南。

-79707 Invalid qualifier.

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An error was found during construction of an INTERVAL qualifier from
atomic elements: length, start, or end values. Check the length, start,
and end values to verify that they are correct.
在从原子元素(长度、开始值或结束值)构造 INTERVAL 限定符时发现了一个错误。检查长

For correct values, see the GBase 8s JDBC Driver Programmer's Guide.
要获得正确的值,请参阅 GBase 8s JDBC 驱动程序员指南。

-79708 Can't take null input.

The string you provided is null. GBase 8s JDBC Driver does not
understand null input in this case.
您提供的字符串为空。在本例中,GBase 8s JDBC 驱动程序不理解空输入。

Check the input string to ensure that it has the proper value.

-79709 Error in date format.

The expected input is a valid date string in the following format:

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Check the date and verify that it has a four-digit year followed
by a valid two-digit month and two-digit day. The delimiter
must be a hyphen (-).

-79710 Syntax error in SQL escape clause.

Invalid syntax was passed to a JDBC escape clause. Curly braces and
a keyword demarcate valid JDBC escape clause syntax: for example,
{keyword syntax}.
将无效语法传递给 JDBC 转义子句。大括号和关键字划分有效的 JDBC 转义子句语法:

Check the JDBC 2.0 documentation from Sun Microsystems for a list
of valid escape clause keywords and syntax.
查看 Sun Microsystems 的 JDBC 2.0 文档,以获得有效转义子句关键字和语法的列表。

-79711 Error in time format.

An invalid time format was passed to a JDBC escape clause.
向 JDBC 转义子句传递了无效的时间格式。

The escape clause syntax for time literals has the following format:

GBase 8s 错误消息
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{t "hh:mm:ss"}.

-79712 Error in timestamp format.

An invalid timestamp format was passed to a JDBC escape clause.
向 JDBC 转义子句传递了无效的时间戳格式。

The escape clause syntax for timestamp literals has the following format:

{ts "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.f..."}.

-79713 Incorrect number of arguments.

An incorrect number of arguments was passed to the scalar function
escape syntax. The correct syntax is {fn function(arguments)}.
将不正确的参数传递给标量函数转义语法。正确的语法是{fn 函数(参数)}。

Verify that the correct number of arguments was passed to the function.

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-79714 Type not supported.

You specified a data type that GBase 8s JDBC Driver does not support.
您指定了GBase 8s JDBC 驱动程序不支持的数据类型。

Check your program to make sure the data type is among those that the
driver supports.

-79715 Syntax error.

Invalid syntax was passed to a JDBC escape clause. Curly braces and
a keyword demarcate valid JDBC escape clause syntax: for example,
{keyword syntax}.
将无效语法传递给 JDBC 转义子句。大括号和关键字划分有效的 JDBC 转义子句语法:

Check the JDBC 2.0 documentation from Sun Microsystems for a list
of valid escape clause keywords and syntax.
请查看 Sun Microsystems 的 JDBC 2.0 文档,以获得有效转义子句关键字和语法的

-79716 System or internal error.

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An operating or runtime system error or a driver internal error

The accompanying message describes the problem.

-79717 Invalid qualifier length.

The length value for an INTERVAL object is incorrect.
INTERVAL 对象的长度值是不正确的。

For correct values, see the GBase 8s JDBC Driver Programmer's Guide.
要获得正确的值,请参阅 GBase 8s JDBC 驱动程序员指南。

-79718 Invalid qualifier start code.

The start value for an INTERVAL object is incorrect.
INTERVAL 对象的开始值不正确。

For correct values, see the GBase 8s JDBC Driver Programmer's Guide.
要获得正确的值,请参阅 GBase 8s JDBC 驱动程序员指南。

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-79719 Invalid qualifier end code.

The end value for an INTERVAL object is incorrect.
INTERVAL 对象的结束值不正确。

For correct values, see the GBase 8s JDBC Driver Programmer's Guide.
要获得正确的值,请参阅 GBase 8s JDBC 驱动程序员指南。

-79720 Invalid qualifier start or end code.

The start or end value for an INTERVAL object is incorrect.
INTERVAL 对象的开始值或结束值不正确。

For correct values, see the GBase 8s JDBC Driver Programmer's Guide.
要获得正确的值,请参阅 GBase 8s JDBC 驱动程序员指南。

-79721 Invalid interval string.

An error occurred during conversion of a STRING value to an IntervalDF or
IntervalYM object.
将 STRING 值转换为 IntervalDF 或 IntervalYM 对象时发生错误。

For the correct format, see the GBase 8s JDBC Driver Programmer's Guide.
要获得正确的值,请参阅 GBase 8s JDBC 驱动程序员指南。

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-79722 Numeric characters expected.

An error occurred during conversion of a STRING value to an IntervalDF or
IntervalYM object. A numeric value was expected and not found.
将 STRING 值转换为 IntervalDF 或 IntervalYM 对象时发生错误。需要一个数值,但找

For the correct format, see the GBase 8s JDBC Driver Programmer's Guide.
要获得正确的值,请参阅 GBase 8s JDBC 驱动程序员指南。

-79723 Delimiter characters expected.

An error occurred during conversion of a STRING value to an IntervalDF or
IntervalYM object. A delimiter was expected and not found.
将 STRING 值转换为 IntervalDF 或 IntervalYM 对象时发生错误。需要一个分隔符,但

For the correct format, see the GBase 8s JDBC Driver Programmer's Guide.
要获得正确的值,请参阅 GBase 8s JDBC 驱动程序员指南。

-79724 Characters expected.

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An error occurred during conversion of a STRING value to an IntervalDF or
IntervalYM object. End of string was encountered before conversion was
将 STRING 值转换为 IntervalDF 或 IntervalYM 对象时发生错误。在完成转换之前,会

For the correct format, see the GBase 8s JDBC Driver Programmer's Guide.
要获得正确的值,请参阅 GBase 8s JDBC 驱动程序员指南。

-79725 Extra characters found.

An error occurred during conversion of a STRING value to an IntervalDF or
IntervalYM object. End of string was expected, but more characters were
in the string.
将 STRING 值转换为 IntervalDF 或 IntervalYM 对象时发生错误。字符串的结尾是预期

For the correct format, see the GBase 8s JDBC Driver Programmer's Guide.
要获得正确的值,请参阅 GBase 8s JDBC 驱动程序员指南。

-79726 Null SQL statement.

The SQL statement passed in was null.
传入的 SQL 语句为空。

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Check the SQL statement string in your program to make sure the string
contains a valid statement.
请检查程序中的 SQL 语句字符串,以确保字符串包含有效语句。

-79727 Statement was not prepared.

The SQL statement contains one or more host variables but was not
prepared properly.
SQL 语句包含一个或多个主机变量,但没有正确准备。

If you use host variables in your SQL statement (for example, insert
into mytab values (?, ?);), you must use connection.prepareStatement()
to prepare the SQL statement before you can execute it.
如果在 SQL 语句中使用主机变量(例如,insert into mytab values (?, ?);),则必须
在执行 SQL 语句之前使用 connection.prepareStatement() 准备 SQL 语句。

-79728 Unknown object type.

If this object type is a null opaque type, the type is unknown and
cannot be processed. If this object type is a complex type, the data
in the collection or array is of an unknown type and cannot be mapped
to a GBase 8s type. If this object type is a row, one of the elements
in the row cannot be mapped to an Gbasedbt type.

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型,则集合或数组中的数据是未知类型,无法映射到 GBase 8s 类型。如果此对象类型是
行,则行中的一个元素不能映射到 GBase 8s 类型。

Verify the customized type mapping or data type of the object.

-79729 Method cannot take argument.

An argument was supplied for a method that does not take an

Refer to your Java API specification or the GBase 8s JDBC Driver
Programmer's Guide to make sure you are using the method properly.
请参考您的 Java API 规范或 GBase 8s JDBC 驱动程序指南,以确保正确使用该方法。

-79730 Connection not established.

A method was not called to establish a connection.

You must obtain the connection by calling the
DriverManager.getConnection() method first.

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您必须首先调用 DriverManager.getConnection() 方法来获得连接。

-79731 MaxRows out of range.

The specified MaxRows value is invalid because it is not within
the range of possible values for MaxRows.
指定的 MaxRows 值无效,因为它不在 MaxRows 的可能值范围内。

Make sure you specify a value between 0 and Integer.MAX_VALUE.
请确保在 0 和 Integer.MAX_VALUE 之间指定一个值。

-79732 Illegal cursor name.

The specified name is not a valid cursor name.

Make sure the string passed in is not null or empty.

-79733 No active result.

The statement does not contain an active result.

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Check your program logic to make sure you have called the executeXXX()
method before you refer to the result.
在引用结果之前,请检查您的程序逻辑,以确保您已经调用了 executeXXX() 方法。

-79734 GBASEDBTSERVER has to be specified.

GBASEDBTSERVER is a property required for connecting to a
GBase 8s database.
GBASEDBTSERVER 是连接到 GBase 8s 数据库所需的属性。

You can specify the GBASEDBTSERVER property in the database URL
or as part of a properties object that is passed to the
connect() method.
可以在数据库 URL 中指定 GBASEDBTSERVER 属性,也可以将其指定为传递给 connect()

-79735 Can't instantiate protocol.

An internal error occurred during a connection attempt.

Call GBase Technical Support.
请致电 GBase 技术支持。

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-79736 No connection/statement establish yet.

There is no current connection or statement.


Check your program to make sure a connection was properly established
or a statement was created.

-79737 No meta data.

The SQL statement attempts to use metadata, but no metadata is
SQL 语句尝试使用元数据,但没有可用的元数据。

Make sure the statement generates a result set before you attempt
to use it.

-79738 No such column name.

The specified column does not exist.

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Make sure the column name is correct.

-79739 No current row.

The cursor is not properly positioned.


You must first position the cursor within the result set by using
a method such as resultset.next(), resultset.beforefirst(),
resultset.first(), or resultset.absolute().
您必须首先通过使用如下方法将游标定位在结果集中,例如 resultset.next()、
resultset.beforefirst()、resultset.first() 或 resultset.absolute()。

-79740 No statement created.

There is no current statement.

Make sure the statement was properly created.

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-79741 Can't convert to.

No data conversion is possible from the column data type to the
one specified. The actual data type is appended to the end of this

Review your program logic to make sure that the conversion
you asked for is supported. For the data mapping matrix,
see the GBase 8s JDBC Driver Programmer's Guide.
检查程序逻辑以确保支持所要求的转换。有关数据映射矩阵,请参阅 GBase 8s JDBC

-79742 Can't convert from.

No data conversion is possible from the data type you specified to
the column data type. The actual data type is appended to the end
of this message.


Check your program logic to make sure that the conversion you asked
for is supported. For the data mapping matrix, see the GBase 8s
JDBC Driver Programmer's Guide.
检查您的程序逻辑,以确保支持您所要求的转换。有关数据映射矩阵,请参阅 GBase 8s
JDBC 驱动程序员指南。

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-79743 Forward fetch only.

This error number is not in use by a current version of GBase 8s JDBC
当前版本的 GBase 8s JDBC 驱动程序不使用此错误号。

-79744 Transactions not supported.

The user tried to call commit() or rollback() on a database that
does not support transactions or has tried to set autoCommit to false
on a nonlogging database.
用户试图在不支持事务的数据库上调用 commit() 或 rollback() ,或者试图在非日志数
据库上将 autoCommit 设置为 false。

Verify that the current database has the correct logging mode and
review the program logic.

-79745 Read only mode not supported.

GBase 8s does not support read-only mode.
GBase 8s 不支持只读模式。

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-79746 No Transaction Isolation on non-logging db's.

GBase 8s does not support setting the transaction isolation level on
nonlogging databases.
GBase 8s 不支持在非日志数据库上设置事务隔离级别。

-79747 Invalid transaction isolation level.

If the database server could not complete the rollback, this error occurs.

For details about why the rollback failed, see the rest of the
SQLException message. This error also occurs if an invalid transaction
level is passed to setTransactionIsolation(). The valid values follow:
有关回滚失败的详细信息,请参阅 SQLException 消息的其余部分。如果将无效的事务级
别传递给 setTransactionIsolation(),也会发生此错误。有效值如下:


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-79748 Can't lock the connection.

GBase 8s JDBC Driver normally locks the connection object just before
beginning the data exchange with the database server. The driver
could not obtain the lock.
GBase 8s JDBC 驱动程序通常在开始与数据库服务器进行数据交换之前锁定连接对象。

Only one thread at a time should use the connection object.

-79749 Number of input values does not match number of question marks.

The number of variables that you set using the PreparedStatement.setXXX()
methods in this statement does not match the number of ? placeholders
that you wrote into the statement.
在此语句中使用 PreparedStatement.setXXX() 方法设置的变量数与写入语句的?占位符

Locate the text of the statement and verify the number of placeholders,
and then check the calls to PreparedStatement.setXXX().
找到语句的文本并验证占位符的数量,然后检查对 PreparedStatement.setXXX() 的

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-79750 Method only for queries.

The Statement.executeQuery(String) and PreparedStatement.executeQuery()
methods should only be used if the statement is a SELECT statement.
仅当语句是 SELECT 语句时才使用 Statement.executeQuery(String) 和
PreparedStatement.executeQuery() 方法。

For other statements, use the Statement.execute(String),
Statement.executeBatch(), Statement.executeUpdate(String),
Statement.getUpdateCount(), Statement.getResultSet(),
or PreparedStatement.executeUpdate() method.
对于其他语句,使用 Statement.execute(String)、
或 PreparedStatement.executeUpdate() 方法。

-79751 Forward fetch only.

The result set is not set to FETCH_FORWARD.

Call Resultset.setFetchDirection(ResultSet.FETCH_FORWARD) to reset
the direction.
调用 Resultset.setFetchDirection(ResultSet.FETCH_FORWARD) 来重置方向。

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-79752 Insufficient Blob data

The GBase 8s JDBC Driver encountered an unexpected exception during
the access of BLOB. The GBase 8s JDBC Driver was unable to transfer
the specified number of bytes.
GBase 8s JDBC 驱动程序在访问 BLOB 期间遇到意外异常。GBase 8s JDBC 驱动程序无法

-79753 Out of Blob memory

The GBase 8s JDBC Driver was unable to allocate memory while handling
BLOB data.This error occurs when the JDBC driver fails to allocate memory
required to perform LOB operations in memory.
You can reset the LOBCACHE or IFX_CODESETLOB properties to perform blob
operations using temporary files rather than using memory.
GBase 8s JDBC 驱动程序在处理 BLOB 数据时无法分配内存,当 JDBC 驱动程序无法分配
内存中执行LOB操作所需的内存时,就会发生此错误。您可以重置 LOBCACHE 或
IFX_CODESETLOB 属性来使用临时文件而不是使用内存执行 BLOB 操作。

-79754 Write Fault

The GBase 8s JDBC Driver encountered an error writing to a temporary
file while handling LOB data.

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GBase 8s JDBC 驱动程序在处理LOB数据时遇到了写入临时文件的错误。

-79755 Object is null.

The object passed in is null.

Check your program logic to make sure your object reference is valid.

-79756 must start with 'jdbc'.

The first token of the database URL is not the keyword jdbc (case
数据库 URL 的第一个令牌不是关键字 jdbc(大小写不敏感)。

Start the URL with jdbc, as in the following example:
用 JDBC 启动 URL,如下面的例子:


-79757 Invalid sub-protocol.

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The current valid subprotocol that GBase 8s supports is gbasedbt-sqli.
GBase 8s 支持的当前有效子协议是 gbasedbt-sqli。

Use the gbasedbt-sqli subprotocol.
使用 gbasedbt-sqli 子协议。

-79758 Invalid ip address.

The format of the database server's IP address is invalid.
数据库服务器的 IP 地址格式无效。

When you connect to a GBase 8s database server with an IP address,
specify the IP address in the correct format. A valid IP address is
a set of four numbers between 0 and 255, separated by dots (.): for
使用 IP 地址连接到 GBase 8s 数据库服务器时,请以正确的格式指定IP地址。一个有效
的 IP 地址是一个由 0 到 255 之间的四个数字组成的集合,由 dots(.)隔开:例如,

root 用户进行操作。

CentOS/RHEL 7.2+操作系统,请参阅CentOS/RHEL 7.2+环境配置。

Kylin V10 操作系统,请参阅Kylin V10 环境配置。

基于Ubuntu 操作系统,请参阅基于Ubuntu 环境配置。

步骤1 检查集群各主机hostname。若重名可能导致安装失败。
# 检查hostname
[root@gbase8c ~]# hostname
# 修改hostname
[root@gbase8c ~]# vim /etc/hostname
步骤2 检查bison、flex、patch、bzip2 依赖是否已安装,执行如下命令:
[root@gbase8c ~]# rpm -q bison flex patch bzip2
[root@gbase8c ~]# yum install -y bison flex patch bzip2
步骤3 虚拟机环境下,检查是否支持rdtscp 指令集,执行如下命令:
[root@gbase8c ~]# cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep rdtscp

GBase 8c V5 安装部署手册(主备式)
返回如下信息即可。否则请参考对应CPU 型号官网资料,安装rdtscp 指令集。
: fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov
pat pse36 clflush mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht syscall nx rdtscp lm constant_tsc
arch_perfmon nopl xtopology tsc_reliable nonstop_tsc eagerfpu pni pclmulqdq ssse3
cx16 sse4_1 sse4_2 x2apic popcnt tsc_deadline_timer aes hypervisor lahf_lm ssbd
ibrs ibpb stibp tsc_adjust arat spec_ctrl intel_stibp flush_l1d arch_capabilities